

The Atomic Bomb

J. H. Groth

[Reprinted from The People's Advocate, 22 October 1945]

The advent of the atomic bomb should give us pause for serious thought. It should make us understand the possibility of this civilization of ours being wiped out. In a sense, it is a warning for us to reform or perish.

Philosophers agree that the earth is potentially wonderful and beautiful in many ways, and is capable of feeding and clothing in comfort all the people, and giving every one -- who so desires -- the means to attain usefulness in many ways. And further, they agree that overpopulation has not, in any degree, ever been approached. And spiritual philosophy, through esoteric understanding, claims that it never will be. For this calamity to occur would contravene the moral law. Our Creator would then be nullifying His own beautiful work. Why, then, is there always so much unrest and unemployment, causing so much want, semi-starvation and despair in all so-called civilized countries? It is because rulers ignore natural laws in the realm of political economy. In the realm of physical economy they understand and obey natural laws to a high degree. Take, for instance, the law of the attraction of gravity, the laws pertaining to electricity, etc., etc. (even to splitting the atom). We have to be very careful, and put these laws to beneficial use, to avoid disaster. But in the psychological realm of political economy, the natural laws are ignored in all civilized countries by the leaders. Yet those laws are as important (if not more so than the physical laws) because they are synonymous with justice, truth and liberty.

So is it any wonder that in the haphazard way leaders of all nations carry on their duties, that misunderstandings occur, followed by suspicions, hatreds, and armed conflicts? Then killing one another becomes a virtue, the more we kill and destroy, the more heroic we are acclaimed. The black sin of it all. To give an idea of the actual position in which political leaders are floundering let us look at some of the reasons for their difficulties.

(a) The institution of tariff protection. This does incalculable harm to all workers. It makes living dearer and causes unemployment in the long run. It causes isolation, suspicion and mistrust of other nations, and is a fruitful cause of war; and withal, is an abnegation of the moral law to "Love thy neighbour as thyself."

(b) By treating all wealth in the same category, we disrupt its just distribution. We should define what part should go to the government for its revenue, and what part should go to the individual for his or her earnings. For government revenue, unimproved land values or land rent should be taken; because it is brought into being by the combined efforts of all the people. For individual earnings, by every law of equity, whatever an individual makes or produces or earns, is inviolably individual possession. To take any part of this by government in ordinary non-war times is a crime.

(c) By ignoring the natural law of liberty, the leaders of all countries, in the fullness of their ineptitude, plan, restrict and interfere, here, there, and everywhere. This unnatural interference creates a strong tendency for dishonesty and criminality, and withal is a wicked waste of potentially honest manpower. Granted that we have to deal with and restore a war-devestated world, and that some restrictions and interferences are. necessary for a time, but a return to sanity at the earliest, with a minimum of interference, is essential.

I plead for a recognition of the seriousness of the whole situation. Metaphorically atomic bombs are now suspended over many fair cities, poised for death and destruction, unless we inaugurate a regime of justice and liberty in this, so far, unworthy world. If enmity persists, no nation is safe, and it is possible for hatred to become intensified. The bread and butter question is a big one, and the clothing question also. If people are hungry and cold and oppressed, dark deeds may be hatched. And it is possible that atomic bombing may be superseded by a still more atrocious devilry. Let us strive to temper justice with some mercy and friendliness. There is a sure way to achieve this, to give a lead to other nations by inaugurating a regime of justice, truth, and liberty. Then all, even the lowest, will have plenty and to spare. Henry George -- "The Prophet of San Francisco" -- has given the world a doctrine, based on the fulfillment of natural law in the realm of political economy, for our guidance, acknowledged by clear thinking men and women the world over to be the "sine qua non" for a righteous order; where jobs will always be looking for men, instead of men always hopelessly looking for jobs.