

The School of Democracy

Harry J. Haase

[Reprinted from Land and Freedom, January-February 1941]

Mr. Harry J. Haase, who is engaged in a Georgeist educational program in the School of Democracy, has submitted a four-point proposal for a Georgeist course of action, which he calls "A Four- Year Plan". The plan follows.
  1. That we spend the next three years educating utilizing all our resources to imbue every person we can reach with the philosophy of freedom.
  2. That, having obtained an individual's acceptance of the Georgeist philosophy of freedom, we see to it that no individual drops out of the struggle of "freedom through enlightenment."
  3. That we hold a convention at the end of the third year of this program, and adopt a platform of freedom to be submitted to every candidate for a major state or national office (all parties).
  4. That we follow up each and every one of these candidates, and demand that he take a stand on our platform for or against.

Suggestion No. 1 is offered to all schools, organizations and groups teaching the collection of economic rent as the remedy for society's ills, regardless of method, text or teacher. It is also intended for those who educate through lectures, publications, radio talks, or any other method.

Point No. 2 means that some method of utilizing the energy of everyone who accepts the philosophy of freedom should be found. The "method" should be broad enough to take consideration of every individual. There should be provision for those who want to teach formally in the classroom; for those who want to carry the message "outside"; for those who want to organize. In short, we should attempt to use everybody's talents in a way most satisfactory to the individual.

On point No. 3 All who have been active in the work of spreading knowledge of the true basis of freedom ought to submit suggestions for the platform. The convention might be held at the time of the Annual Henry George Congress, and take up an additional session.

The fourth step can be taken whenever and wherever candidates speak in public. It can be done by personal calls, through the mails, or in the columns of the press.

Instead of forming a third party and trying to fight the strong political machines, the above program will enable us to utilize the strong parties to accomplish our purpose. It will make it possible for the people to demand of the politicians what they want, instead of supinely accepting a choice between party-made variations of our present unsound system. It will make it possible for the people to have a real choice at the polls for the first time in our national history.