
The Correspondence of Thomas Jefferson

Alphabetical by Subject

(*) - multiple letters on this subject


  • Accomplishment / John Adams (*) / African Americans (*) / Africans, History of / Agrarian Societies / Agriculture, Cotton / Alien and Sedition Laws / Americans, Superiority of / Architecture / Aristocracy of Talent / Articles of Confederation (*)


  • Benjamin Banneker / Bolingbroke, Opinion of / Napoleon Bonaparte (*) / Britain, Conditions in (*) / Britain, Constitution of / Britain, Government, Poverty Relief / Britain, Impressment / Britain, Policies Toward Colonials / Britain, Reports by Thomas Paine / Aaron Burr, Imperial Aspirations


  • James Callender, Relationship With / Canadian Campaign / Charity / Citizenship and Employment (*) / Civilization, Advance and Progress / Commerce and Security / Commerce, Fur Trade / Commerce, Manufactures and Agriculture / Commerce, Manufactures in the Western States / Commerce, Manufactures vs Agriculture / Commerce, Patents and Monopolies / Congressional Powers / Congress, Location of Session / Congress, Speeches / Constitution, United States (*) / Constitution, Virginia, Amending / Cornwallis / Corruption, United States, the Congress


  • Declaration of Independence (*) / Defense (*) / Democracy, Dependent on Involvement of Citizens / Disarmament, Naval / Doing Good


  • Early Life / Education (*) / English People / European Affairs / European Views of the United States / European Wars / Europe, Reflections on the 18th Century / Exercise


  • Family History / Family News / Family Relations / Fate / Federal Capital, District of Columbia / Federal Government, Moved to Philadelphia / Federalist Papers / Foreign Relations (*) / Founders / france, Conditions in (*) / France, Foreign Relations


  • France, Government, Reform of (*) / France, Government, Structure of (*) / France, Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy / France, Revolution (*) / Franchise and Property Requirement / Franchise Belongs to All Men / Benjamin Franklin (*) / Freedom of Religion / Free of the Press (*) / French People / French Revolution, Hope For


  • Governance / Government, Britain / Government, Checks and Balances / Government, Democratic / Government, Forms Of / Government, Just (*) / Government, Legislative Branch / Government, Local Responsibilities Of / Government, Monarchy (*) / Government, Object Of


  • Alexander Hamilton (*) / Health (*) / Patrick Henry, Remembrance of / History, Lessons Of / Human Nature, Destructive Tendencies In / David Hume and Britain's Constitution


  • Ignorance / Immigration from the Old World / Independence and Sovereignty / Indigenous American Tribes (*)


  • John Paul Jones (*)


  • Knowledge (*) / General Kosciusko


  • Marquis de Lafayette (*) / Land, Agricultural Science / Land, Ordinance of / Land, Land Ownership and Natural Rights / Land, Land Sales to Retire Government Debt / Land, Productive Use Of / Land, Settlement (*) / Land, Values, Agricultural / Language, Chinese / Language, English / Lewis and Clark Expedition


  • Malthus, on Political Economy / Malthus, on Population / Marriage to Martha Skelton / Mass Production / Medical Science, Criminal Practices / Mexico, Conditions and Prospects / Mississippi River, Control of / Monarchy / Money, Minting of Coinage / Monticello (*) / Moral Principles (*) / Moral Sense (*)


  • Nepotism / New Orleans / North America, Natural State


  • Old World Conditions, Prospects for Cause of Liberty


  • Thomas Paine (*) / Parliamentary Corruption / Patriotism and Merchants / Personal Affairs / Personal Character, Slander Against / Personal Habits (*) / Personal Values, Marriage / Physiocrats, Turgot (*) / Political Economy, Physiocracy / Political Economy, Recommended Readings / Politics / Presidency (*) / Public Office (*) / Public Revenue, Taxation / Public Service (*)


  • Rebellion, Latin America / Rebellion, Needed to Secure Liberty / Rebellion, Reflections on / Region, Demonism / Rent, Agricultural, France / Republicanism (*) / Republics, Forms of / Responsibility / Retirement (*) / Revolutions / Robespierre / Roman Empire, Cicero's Writing / Benjamin Rush Memorial


  • Sea Power / Secession (*) / Slavery (*) / Statesmanship and the Congress


  • Taxation, Excise Taxes / Trade / Treaties, Commercial


  • United States (*) / Unity (*)


  • Vice Presidency (*) / Virginia Act / Virginia, Condition of Landed Estates / Virtuous Behavior


  • War, Comradeship and Death / War, Experiences / George Washington (*) / Waterways / Wealth, Production Of (*) / Westward Expansion (*)

Alphabetical by Addressee

This archive of the correspondence of Thomas Jefferson was reformatted and expanded in December of 2015 to include complete texts of letters from which excerpts were only previously available. Also added are letters written to Jefferson from John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and James Madison. The source for this added material is a 1965 volume titled The American Enlightenment, edited by Adrienne Koch.

Adams, Abigail 1785 (21 June) English People
Adams, Abigail 1804 (13 June) Relationship With John Adams
Adams, Abigail 1804 (22 July) Callender, James / Relationship With
Adams, Abigail 1804 (11 September) Constitution / United States / Sedition Law
Adams, Abigail 1804 (11 September) Unity / Party Politics / Promoting the Public Good
Adams, Abigail 1813 (22 August) Education / Reading
Adams, Abigail 1813 (22 August) Family / Relations


Adams, John 1785 (7 July) Congressional Powers
Adams, John 1787 (23 February) Government / Legislative Branch
Adams, John 1787 (28 September) Defense of the Constitution
Adams, John
(to Jefferson)
1787 (6 December) On the new Constitution
Adams, John 1796 (28 February Government / Just
Adams, John 1796 (28 December) Relationship With
Adams, John 1796 (28 December) Retirement / Desire For
Adams, John 1812 (21 January) A Personal Thought
Adams, John 1812 (21 January) Personal Habits
Adams, John 1812 (21 January) Presidency / Experience
Adams, John 1812 (21 January) Wealth / Production of / Commerce
Adams, John 1812 (21 January) Signers of the Declaration Gone
Adams, John 1812 (21 January) Right of Self-Government
Adams, John 1812 (11 June) Indigenous American Tribes / Cherokees
Adams, John 1813 (27 May) Rush, Benjamin / Memorial
Adams, John 1813 (15 June) Moral Principles / And Law
Adams, John 1813 (27 June) Unity / Spirit of '76
Adams, John 1813 (27 June) Political Parties
Adams, John 1813 (27 June) Reasons for Supporting the Constitution
Adams, John
(to Jefferson)
1813 (9 July) Against Parties and Factions
Adams, John
(to Jefferson)
1813 (13 July) French Revolution /Differences of Opinion Regarding
Adams, John 1813 (13 October) Moral Principles / Study of
Adams, John 1813 (28 October) Aristocracy of Talent
Adams, John 1813 (28 October) Artificial Aristocracy of Wealth and Birth
Adams, John 1813 (28 October) Artificial Aristocracy of Wealth and Birth
Adams, John
(to Jefferson)
1813 (15 November) On Natural Aristocracy
Adams, John 1814 (5 July) Bonaparte, Napoleon / Exiled
Adams, John 1814 (5 July) Education / Studying the Classics
Adams, John
(to Jefferson)
1814 (16 July) Improvement in Human Affairs
Adams, John 1815 (10 June) Foreign Relations / Britain / Peace
Adams, John 1815 (10 June) Wealth / Production of / Protecting the Nation's Merchant Ships
Adams, John
(to Jefferson)
1815 (13 November) Progress During the Eighteen Century
Adams, John 1816 (11 January) Europe / Reflections on the 18th Century
Adams, John 1816 (8 April) Moral Principles / Reflections on the Quality of Life
Adams, John 1817 (5 May) Moral Principles / And Religious Belief
Adams, John
(to Jefferson)
1818 (29 May) Man a Rational Creature
Adams, John 1819 (10 December) Roman Empire / Cicero's Writing
Adams, John 1819 (10 December) Unity / Missouri Question
Adams, John 1820 (15 August) Education / State University of Virginia
Adams, John
(to Jefferson)
1821 (19 May) The Art of Law Giving
Adams, John 1821 (12 September) Old World Conditions / Prospects for Cause of Liberty
Adams, John 1822 (1 June) European Wars
Adams, John 1822 (1 June) Health
Adams, John 1823 (25 February) Bonaparte, Napoleon / Assessment of
Adams, John 1823 (11 April) Moral Principles / Calvinists
Adams, John 1823 (4 September) Revolutions
Adams, John
(to Jefferson)
1825 (23 January) Free Inquiry


Adams, Samuel 1800 (26 February) Opinion Of Samuel Adams
Adams, Samuel 1801 (29 March) Unity / Restored


Alexander I 1804 (15 June) Foreign Relations / Russia
Alexander I 1806 (19 April) Foreign Relations / Russia


Armstrong, John 1809 (5 March) Bonaparte, Napoleon / and Mexico


Astor, John Jacob 1808 (13 April) Commerce / Fur Trade -- 1808


Austin, Benjamin (Esq.) 1816 (9 January) Wealth / Production of / Manufacturers


Bancroft, Edward 1788 (26 January) Slavery / Jefferson's Plan to Convert to Free Tenant Farmers
Bancroft, Edward 1788 (26 January) Slavery / Virginia Quaker Efforts to Create Tenant Farmers


Bannister, J. 1785 (15 October) Education / European


Barlow, Joe 1801 (14 March) Foreign Relations / European War
Barlow, Joe 1802 (3 May) Unity / Political Parties / Role of Minority
Barlow, Joe 1810 (24 January) Unity / Political Parties / Dissention in the Cabinet


Barry, William T. 1822 (2 July) Unity / Republicanism


Bellini (Mr.) 1785 (30 September) European Affairs


Biddle, Samuel 1792 (12 December) Monticello / Tenant Farming Introduced


Bidwell, Barnabas 1806 (5 July) Statesmanship and the Congress


Bowditch, Nathaniel 1818 (26 October) Education / State University of Virginia


Brazeer, John 1819 (24 August) Education / Studying the Classics


Burr, Aaron 1801 (1 February) Unity / Political Parties / Influence of British


Burwell, William A. 1810 (25 February) Monticello / Agricultural Technique


Cabell, Joseph C. 1816 (2 February) Government / Local / Responsibilities of


Canby, William 1813 (18 September) Moral Principles / And Religion


Carmichael, William 1787 (11 December) Constitution / United States / Defects
Carmichael, William 1788 (27 May) Constitution / United States / Objections to
Carmichael, William 1788 (27 May) Constitution / United States / Objections to
Carmichael, William 1788 (27 May) Medical Science / Criminal Practices
Carmichael, William 1788 (12 August) Constitution / United States / Presidency
Carmichael, William 1789 (8 May) France / Revolution
Carmichael, William 1789 (8 May) Presidency / Election of 1789


Carr, Dabney 1816 (19 January) Rebellion / Reflections On


Carr, Peter 1785 (19 August) Exercise
Carr, Peter 1785 (19 August) Knowledge / Scientific / Course of Study
Carr, Peter 1785 (19 August) Recommendations for Self-Improvement
Carr, Peter 1785 (19 August) Importance of Scientific Investigations
Carr, Peter 1785 (19 August) Virtuous Behavior
Carr, Peter 1787 (10 August) Moral Principles / Moral Sense and Conscience
Carr, Peter 1787 (10 August) Moral Philosophy
Carr, Peter 1787 (10 August) Pursuit of Knowledge
Carr, Peter 1814 (7 September) Education / State University of Virginia


Carrington, Edward 1787 (16 January) Democracy / Dependent on Involvement of Citizens
Carrington, Edward 1787 (4 August) Constitution / United States / General


Carroll, Charles 1791 (15 April) Indigenous American Tribes / Frontier War


Cartwright, John 1824 (5 June) Britain / Constitution of
Cartwright, John 1824 (5 June) Constitution / United States / Amending -- 1824
Cartwright, John 1824 (5 June) Hume, David / Britain's Constitution
Cartwright, John 1824 (5 June) Paine, Thomas / Britain's Constitution


Chastellus (Marquis de -- General) 1785 (7 June) African Americans
Chastellus (Marquis de -- General) 1785 (7 June) Indigenous American Tribes


Cherokee Nation 1806 (10 January) Indigenous American Tribes / Cherokees


Choctaw Nation 1805 (13 March) Indigenous American Tribes / Choctaw Nation


Citizens of Washington, D.C. 1809 (4 March) Presidency / Reflections


Clairborne, W.C.C. (Governor) 1803 (24 May) Westward Expansion / Knoxville to Natchez


Clay, Charles 1807 (11 January) Burr, Aaron / Imperial Aspirations
Clay, Charles 1807 (11 January) Burr, Aaron / Imperial Aspirations
Clay, Charles 1815 (29 January) Moral Principles / And Religious Hierarchies


Coles, Edward 1814 (25 August) Slavery / Hope for Emancipation


Colvin, J.B. 1810 (20 September) Moral Principles / And Law


Coolidge, Ellen W. 1825 (27 August) Education / State University of Virginia
Coolidge, Ellen W. 1825 (27 August) United States / Conditions


Cooper, Thomas (Doctor) 1814 (10 September) Slavery / Of Africans Compared to British Seamen
Cooper, Thomas (Doctor) 1814 (10 September) United States / Conditions in, Compared to England


Cosway, Maria 1820 (27 December) Family News


Condorcet 1791 (30 August) France / Revolution


Cooper, Thomas (Esq.) 1802 (29 November) France / Revolution


Coxe, Tench 1794 (1 May) Foreign Relations / France
Coxe, Tench 1794 (1 May) Monticello / Condition
Coxe, Tench 1807 (21 September) Disarmament / Naval


Crowninsheld, Jacob
(Secretary of the Navy)
1808 (16 July) Foreign Relations / Embargo


Dearborn, Henry 1807 (7 July) Foreign Relations / Britain / War / Threat of
Dearborn, Henry 1808 (20 August) Indigenous American Tribes / Coexistence With
Dearborn, Henry 1819 (5 July) Foreign Relations / Spain


Delaplaine, Joseph 1817 (12 April) Declaration of Indepdence / Contributions to


De Viar (Messr.) 1793 (14 July) Constitution / United States / Freedom of the Press


Dickinson, John 1801 (6 March) Republicanism / Jefferson Presidency


Dowse, Edward (Esq.) 1803 (19 April) Moral Principles / Espoused by Jesus Christ
Dowse, Edward (Esq.) 1803 (19 April) Moral Principles / Espoused by Jesus Christ
Dowse, Edward (Esq.) 1803 (19 April) Moral Principles / Espoused by Jesus Christ


Duane, William 1806 (22 March) Presidency / Opinions of the President
Duane, William 1807 (20 July) Foreign Relations / Russia
Duane, William 1810 (13 November) Bonaparte, Napoleon / Attitude Toward the United States of America
Duane, William 1810 (13 November) Foreign Relations / Russia
Duane, William 1811 (28 March) United States / Uniqueness
Duane, William 1813 (4 April) Moral Principles / And Political Economy


Dumas (Monsieur) 1787 (10 September) Constitution / United States / General


Dufief, N.G. 1814 (19 April) Knowledge / Inquiry versus Ignorance


Eppes, Francis 1798 (7 January) Personal Values / Marriage
Eppes, Francis 1798 (7 January) Virginia / Condition of Landed Estates
Eppes, Francis 1810 (17 January) Congress / Speeches
Eppes, Francis 1821 (19 January) Bolingbroke / Opinion of
Eppes, Francis 1821 (19 January) Paine, Thomas / Opinion Of


Fishback, James 1809 (27 September) Moral Principles / Universal


Franklin, Benjamin 1777 (13 August) Commerce and Security -- 1777


Fulton, Robert 1813 (8 March) Knowledge / Scientific / Inventions


Gates, Horatio 1797 (30 May) Foreign Relations / War Between Britain and France
Gates, Horatio 1798 (21 February) Kosciusko (General)


Gallatin, Albert 1802 (1 April) Finance System of the United States
Gallatin, Albert 1802 (1 April) Public Debt
Gallatin, Albert 1807 (24 December) Land / Settlement / Process


Galloway, Benjamin 1812 (2 February) Moral Principles / Struggle on Behalf of


Gerry, Elbridge 1799 (26 January) Constitution / United States / General
Gerry, Elbridge 1799 (26 January) Constitution / United States / Preservation of
Gerry, Elbridge 1799 (26 January) French Revolution / Hope For
Gerry, Elbridge 1799 (26 January) Government / Just Powers
Gerry, Elbridge 1799 (26 January) Moral Principles / And Scientific Research
Gerry, Elbridge 1801 (29 March) Moral Principles / Priestcraft
Gerry, Elbridge 1801 (29 March) Public Service / Appointments as President


Giles, William Branch 1794 (17 December) Constitution / United States / Threats to Freedom
Giles, William Branch 1796 (19 March) Foreign Relations / Britain


Gilmer, Francis 1816 Moral Sense / Of Right And Wrong


Gordon (Doctor) 1788 (16 July) Cornwallis
Gordon (Doctor) 1788 (16 July) War / Experiences


Granger, Gideon 1804 (16 April) Unity / Eastern Parties


Gray, Francis C. 1815 (4 March) African Americans / Mulattos Defined by Law


Gregoire, Henri 1809 (25 February) Africans / History of


Harris, Levett 1821 (12 December) Foreign Relations / Russia
Hawkins, Benjamin 1786 (13 August) Indigenous American Tribes
Hawkins, Benjamin 1787 (4 August) Government / Monarchy
Hawkins, Benjamin 1800 (14 March) Indigenous American Tribes / Languages
Hawkins, Benjamin 1803 (18 February) Indigenous American Tribes / Transition to Agriculture


Hollins, John 1809 (19 February) Knowledge / Communication to Others


Holmes, John 1820 (22 April) Unity / Missouri Question
Holmes, John 1820 (22 April) Unity / Missouri Question
Holmes, John 1820 (22 April) Belief that the Republic will not Last


Hopkinson, Francis 1789 (13 March) Constitution / United States / Bill of Rights
Hopkinson, Francis 1789 (13 March) Unity / Party Politics / Jefferson Called Anti-Federalist


Humboldt, Alexander von 1811 (14 April) Foreign Relations / Latin America
Humboldt, Alexander von 1812 (6 December) Mexico / Conditions and Prospects


Humphreys (Colonel) 1789 (18 March) Constitution / United States / Amending -- 1789


Ingersoll, Charles Jared 1818 (20 July) Language / Chinese


Izard (Mr.) 1788 (17 July) France / Revolution


Jarvis, William Charles 1820 (28 September) Constitution / United States / Separation of Powers


Jaudenes (Messr.) 1793 (14 July) Constitution / United States / Freedom of the Press


Jay, John 1785 (23 August) Citizenship and Employment / Cultivators of Land
Jay, John 1785 (23 August) Land / Land Ordinance of 1785
Jay, John 1785 (23 August) Citizenship and Employment / Oceanic Commerce -- 1785
Jay, John 1785 (23 August) Sea Power
Jay, John 1785 (30 August) Mass Production
Jay, John 1787 (4 May) Foreign Relations / Brazil
Jay, John 1789 (11 January) France / Constitution
Jay, John 1789 (1 March) France / Revolution
Jay, John 1789 (1 March) Jones, John Paul
Jay, John 1789 (24 June) France / Revolution
Jay, John 1789 (29 June) France / Revolution
Jay, John 1789 (19 July) France / Revolution
Jay, John 1789 (27 August) France / Revolution
Jay, John 1789 (19 September) France / Revolution
Jay, John 1809 (7 April) Commerce / Manufactures and Agriculture / A Balance


Jefferson, George 1801 (27 March) Nepotism


Jefferson, John Garland 1793 (14 April) Education / Studying the Classics


Jefferson, Martha 1787 (5 May) Accomplishment


Johnson, Richard M. 1808 (10 March) Retirement / From Presidency


Johnson, William 1823 (12 June) Constitution / United States / Original Intent


Jones, Walter 1801 (31 March) Republicanism / Reforms
Jones, Walter 1810 (5 March) United States / Conditions and Prospects
Jones, Walter 1814 (2 January) Government / Democratic
Jones, Walter 1814 (2 January) Washington, George


Kercheval, Samuel 1810 (19 January) Moral Principles / Espoused by Jesus Christ
Kercheval, Samuel 1816 (12 July) Constitution / United States / Amending -- 1816
Kercheval, Samuel 1816 (12 July) Constitution / United States / Amending -- 1816


King, Miles 1814 (26 September) Moral Principles / And Religious Belief
King, Miles 1814 Moral Principles / Moral Sense and Conscience


Kosciusko,Thaddeus 1799 (21 February) Republicanism / Threatened by War
Kosciusko,Thaddeus 1810 (26 February) Retirement / From Presidency
Kosciusko,Thaddeus 1811 (13 April) Public Revenue / Taxation
Kosciusko,Thaddeus 1811 (13 April) Rebellion / Latin America
Kosciusko,Thaddeus 1812 (6 August) Foreign Relations / Britain / War


Lafayette, Marquis de 1787 (11 April) Rent / Agricultural / France
Lafayette, Marquis de 1787 (11 April) Conditions in France
Lafayette, Marquis de 1787 (11 April) Conditions in France
Lafayette, Marquis de 1789 (6 May) France / Revolution
Lafayette, Marquis de 1789 (6 May) Lafayette, Marquis de / Danger To
Lafayette, Marquis de 1789 (6 May) Warning to Lafayette
Lafayette, Marquis de 1789 (12 June) Britain / Government / Poverty Relief
Lafayette, Marquis de 1789 (12 June) France / Government / Reform of
Lafayette, Marquis de 1790 (2 April) Constitution / United States / Adoption
Lafayette, Marquis de 1790 (2 April) France / Revolution
Lafayette, Marquis de 1790 (2 April) Public Service / Secretary of State
Lafayette, Marquis de 1792 (16 June) Constitution / United States / Threats to
Lafayette, Marquis de 1815 (14 February) Unity / Party Politics / British Influence
Lafayette, Marquis de 1817 (14 May) Foreign Relations / South America
Lafayette, Marquis de 1818 (23 November) Foreign Relations / Acquisition of Florida
Lafayette, Marquis de 1823 (4 November) Unity / Political Parties / Party Names
Lafayette, Marquis de 1823 (4 November) Political Factions


Langdon, John
(Governor of New Hampshire)
1810 (5 March) Government / Monarchy and Aristocracy


Lasteyrie 1808 (15 July) Agriculture / Cotton


Law, Thomas 1814 (13 June) Moral Principles / Truth and Virtue
Law, Thomas 1814 (13 June) Access to Land in the United States
Law, Thomas 1814 (13 June) Moral Sense / Of Right And Wrong
Law, Thomas 1814 (13 June) Truth as Foundation of Morality


Lee, Henry 1824 (10 August) Republicanism / And Democracy
Lee, Henry 1825 (8 May) Declaration of Independence / Objective of
Lee, Henry 1825 (8 May) Government / Just Principles of


Lee, Richard Henry 1786 (22 April) Foreign Relations / Britain / Commercial Treaty
Lee, Richard Henry 1786 (22 April) Treaties / Commercial


Leiper, Thomas 1809 (21 January) Commerce / Manufactures vs Agriculture
Leiper, Thomas 1814 (1 January) Bonaparte, Napoleon / Destroyer of Civilizations


Lewis, Meriwether 1803 (4 July) Lewis and Clark Expedition


Livingston, Robert R. 1801 (9 September) Foreign Relations / Neutrality


Logan, George 1808 (27 December) Foreign Relations / Embargo


Ludlow, William 1824 (6 September) Civilization / Advance and Progress -- 1824


Madison, James
(to Jefferson)
1780 (27 March) Revolution in Jeopardy
Madison, James 1784 (20 February) Rational Society
Madison, James 1785 (1 September) European Views of the United States
Madison, James 1785 (28 October) Britain / Conditions in
Madison, James 1786 (8 February) Foreign Relations
Madison, James 1786 (16 December) Government / Checks and Balances
Madison, James 1787 (30 January) Rebellion and Republican Government
Madison, James 1787 (20 December) Agrarian Societies
Madison, James 1787 (20 December) Constitution / United States / Bill of Rights -- 1787
Madison, James 1787 (30 January) Government / Just
Madison, James 1787 (30 January) Mississippi River / Control Of
Madison, James
(to Jefferson)
1787 (24 October) Observations on the Convention and the Constitution
Madison, James
(to Jefferson)
1787 (24 October) Economic Classes in the United States
Madison, James 1787 (20 December) Proposals to Change the Constitution
Madison, James 1788 (31 July) Constitution / United States / Implementation under Law
Madison, James 1788 (18 November) Constitution / United States / Taxation and War
Madison, James 1788 (18 November) Federalist Papers
Madison, James 1789 (12 January) Lafayette, Marquis de
Madison, James 1789 (12 January) Physiocrats / Turgot
Madison, James 1789 (12 January) Physiocrats / Turgot
Madison, James 1789 (13 March) Constitution / United States / Bill of Rights
Madison, James 1789 (15 March) Constitution / United States / Bill of Rights
Madison, James 1789 (11 May) France / Revolution
Madison, James 1789 (18 June) France / Government / Reform of
Madison, James 1789 (22 July) France / Revolution
Madison, James 1789 (28 August) France / Government / Reform of
Madison, James 1789 (28 August) Constitution / United States / Bill of Rights
Madison, James 1789 (28 August) Jones, John Paul
Madison, James 1789 (28 August) Public Service / Desire to Remain Out of Office
Madison, James 1789 (6 September) Land / Land Ownership and Natural Rights
Madison, James 1789 (6 September) Rights to Land
Madison, James
(to Jefferson)
1790 (4 February) Obligation of Generations to One Another
Madison, James
(to Jefferson)
1790 (4 February) Rights to Property
Madison, James 1792 (7 November) Constitution / United States / Bill of Rights
Madison, James 1793 (9 June) Washington, George / Health
Madison, James 1793 (8 September) Slavery / And the U.S. Constitution
Madison, James 1793 (2 November) Congress / Location of Session
Madison, James 1794 (3 April) Defense
Madison, James 1794 (28 December) Constitution / United States / Bill of Rights
Madison, James 1794 (28 December) Taxation / Excise Taxes
Madison, James 1795 (21 September) Hamilton, Alexander
Madison, James 1797 (1 January) Human Nature / Destructive Tendencies in
Madison, James 1797 (1 January) Public Service / Vice Presidency
Madison, James 1798 (February) On George Washington
Madison, James 1798 (February) On John Adams
Madison, James 1798 (21 June) Foreign Relations / France
Madison, James 1799 (5 February) Foreign Relations / France and Haiti
Madison, James 1809 (17 March) Foreign Relations / Preparedness for War
Madison, James 1809 (17 March) Monticello / Farming Report
Madison, James 1809 (19 April) Foreign Relations / Britain
Madison, James 1809 (26 November) Foreign Relations / Britain
Madison, James 1821 (13 January) Knowledge / Medical
Madison, James 1823 (30 August) Declaration of Independence / Not Original Thinking
Madison, James 1823 (30 August) Declaration of Independence / Writing of
Madison, James 1826 (17 February) Concern for Personal Debts
Madison, James 1826 (17 February) Need for Republican Law Professors
Madison, James
(to Jefferson)
1826 (24 February) On his Friendship with Thomas Jefferson
Madison, James
(to Jefferson)
1826 (24 February) Need for a Qualified Law Professor at the University of Virginia


Mason (Colonel) 1791 (4 February) France / Revolution
Mason (Colonel) 1791 (4 February) Republicanism / Internal Attacks On


Maury, James 1807 (21 November) Foreign Relations / Britain and France at War
Maury, James 1812 (25 April) Foreign Relations / Britain / War


Mazzei, Philip 1796 (24 April) Unity / Party Politics / Aristocratical Party
Mazzei, Philip 1796 (24 April) Republicanism and Landed Interests
Mazzei, Philip 1796 (24 April) Threats to Liberty


McGregory, Uriah 1800 (13 August) Personal Character / Slander Against


McPherson, Isaac 1813 (13 August) Commerce / Patents and Monopolies
McPherson, Isaac 1813 (13 August) Wealth / Production of / Patents
McPherson, Isaac 1813 (13 August) Free Exchange of Knowledge
McPherson, Isaac 1813 (13 August) Property Rights in Inventions


M'Kean, Thomas 1801 (9 March) Constitution / United States / Election of 1800


Melish, John 1813 (13 January) Commerce / Manufactures in the Western States
Melish, John 1813 (13 January) Unity / Political Parties / Difference Between Two Major Parties


Miller, Samuel (Reverend) 1808 (23 January) Freedom of Religion


Monroe, James 1782 (20 May) Public Service
Monroe, James 1785 (17 June) Land / Settlement
Monroe, James 1785 (17 June) Trade
Monroe, James 1785 (17 June) Slavery / And the U.S. Constitution
Monroe, James 1785 (28 August) Land / Land Sales to Retire Government Debt
Monroe, James 1791 (10 July) Paine, Thomas / Rights of Man
Monroe, James 1793 (5 May) Foreign Relations / Britain and France at War
Monroe, James 1793 (13 May) Foreign Relations / Britain and France at War
Monroe, James 1806 (4 May) Foreign Relations / Britain
Monroe, James 1808 (18 February) Presidency / Election of 1808
Monroe, James 1816 (4 February) Foreign Relations / Spain and South America
Monroe, James 1823 (11 June) Foreign Relations / Nonintervention in Domestic Politics
Monroe, James 1823 (11 June) Foreign Relations / Spain and England
Monroe, James 1823 (24 October) Foreign Relations / Monroe Doctrine
Monroe, James 1823 (24 October) Advice on Foreign Policy
Monroe, James 1823 (24 October) Foreign Relations / Cuba


Moor, Jeremiah 1800 (14 August) Franchise / and Property Requirement


Morris, Gouverneur 1793 (12 March) France / Government Structure
Morris, Gouverneur 1793 (12 March) Government / Forms of


Mumford, William Green 1799 (18 June) Scientific Investigation
Mumford, William Green 1799 (18 June) The Value of Trigonometary and the "Science of Calculation"


Nelson, Thomas 1776 (16 May) Goverance
Nelson, Thomas 1776 Independence and Sovereignty


Nemours, Pierre Samuel Dupont de 1802 (18 January) Political Economy / Physiocracy
Nemours, Pierre Samuel Dupont de 1803 (1 February) Foreign Relations /Mississippi River Territorial Dispute
Nemours, Pierre Samuel Dupont de 1807 (14 July) Defense / Preparedness
Nemours, Pierre Samuel Dupont de 1809 (2 March) Retirement / From Presidency
Nemours, Pierre Samuel Dupont de 1813 (29 November) Education / National University
Nemours, Pierre Samuel Dupont de 1816 Government / Just Principles
Nemours, Pierre Samuel Dupont de 1816 (24 April) Government / Just Principles
Nemours, Pierre Samuel Dupont de 1816 (24 April) Moral Principles / And Constitutions
Nemours, Pierre Samuel Dupont de 1816 (24 April) Moral Principles / Right to Property


Nash, Abner 1783 (11 March) Ethics of Investing in Public Land


Nicolas, Marie Jean Antoine 1791 (30 August) Banneker, Benjamin


Nolan, Philip 1798 (24 June) North America / Natural State


Norvell, John 1807 (11 June) Freedom of the Press / Ideals of


Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Articles of Confederation / Education
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Articles of Confederation / Religious Freedom
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Articles of Confederation / Property, Slaves and Taxation
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Articles of Confederation / Slavery
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Constitution / United States / Convention
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Declaration of Independence
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Early Life
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Family History
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Foreign Relations / France
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) France / Revolution
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Henry, Patrick / Remembrance of
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Marriage to Martha Skelton
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Public Office / Appointments but Duties not Discharted
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Public Office / Delegate to Annapolis Congress
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Public Office / Governor of Virginia
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Public Office / Minister to France
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Public Service / Secretary of State
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Public Service / Virginia General Assembly
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Public Service / Virginia Legislature
Notes for an Autobiography 1821 (6 January) Slavery / Emancipation Efforts


Notes on Virginia 1782 Slavery / Exposition on the Issues


Page, John 1763 (15 July) Fate
Page, John 1804 (25 June) War / Comradeship and Death


Paganel (Monsieur) 1811 (15 April) France / Revolution / History of


Paine, Thomas 1788 (23 December) Britain / Reports by Thomas Paine
Paine, Thomas 1788 (23 December) Paine, Thomas / Bridge Design
Paine, Thomas 1788 (23 December) France / Government / Reform of
Paine, Thomas 1788 (23 December) Paine, Thomas / Reports on Britain
Paine, Thomas 1789 (19 May) France / Revolution
Paine, Thomas 1791 (3 July) Paine, Thomas / Rights of Man
Paine, Thomas 1792 (19 June) Paine, Thomas / Rights of Man
Paine, Thomas 1792 (19 June) On Thomas Paine and the Rights of Man
Paine, Thomas 1792 (19 June) Lessons in Republicanism
Paine, Thomas 1801 (18 March) Paine, Thomas / Pamphlet Received
Paine, Thomas 1805 (5 June) Paine, Thomas / Retirement to New York Farm


Patterson, Robert 1807 (29 March) Money / Minting of Coinage


Paul, John 1788 (12 August) Jones, John Paul


Peale, Charles W. 1813 (17 April) Land / Productive Use Of


Pemberton, James 1807 (16 November) Indigenous American Tribes / Coexistence With


Pendleton, Edmund 1784 (18 January) Congress / Poor Opinion Of
Pendleton, Edmund 1784 (18 January) Support for a Constitutional Convention


Pictet (Mr.) 1803 (5 February) Constitution / United Statees / Freedom of the Press
Pictet (Mr.) 1803 (5 February) Knowledge / Scientific / Abstract Research


Pinckney, Thomas 1793 (16 March) Britain / Impressment of of U.S. Seamen
Pinckney, Thomas 1797 (29 May) Unity / Party Politics / Dissension a Lesser Evil Than Despotism


Pleasants, John Hambden 1824 (19 April) Constitution / Virginia / Amending
Pleasants, John Hambden 1824 (19 April) Franchise / Belongs to all Men


Price, Richard 1785 (1 February) Articles of Confederation / Weaknesses Of
Price (Dr.) 1785 (7 August) Slavery / Ending the Practice
Price (Dr.) 1789 (8 January) Constitution / United States / Need for Informed Citizenry
Price (Dr.) 1789 (8 January) Religion / Demonism
Price, Richard 1789 (12 July) French Declaration of the Rights of Man


Priestley, Joseph 1800 (18 January) Education / State University of Virginia
Priestley, Joseph 1800 (27 January) Education / State University of Virginia
Priestley, Joseph 1801 (21 March) Republicanism / Internal Attacks On
Priestley, Joseph 1801 (21 March) New Chapter in History Beginning
Priestley, Joseph 1801 (21 March) On the Character of Joseph Priestley
Priestley, Joseph 1802 (19 June) Constitution / United States / General
Priestley, Joseph 1802 (19 June) Republicanism / And Activism
Priestley, Joseph 1803 (9 April) Moral Principles / Socrates and Jesus Christ
Priestley, Joseph 1804 (29 January) Malthus / On Population
Priestley, Joseph 1804 (29 January) Moral Principles / Espoused by Jesus Christ


Ramsay, David 1787 (4 August) Monarchy


Randolph (no first name) 1790 (14 August) Indigenous American Tribes / Creeks / Treaty Signed


Randolph, Edmund 1775 (25 August) Britain / Policies Toward Colonials
Randolph, Edmund 1775 (29 November) Canadian Campaign
Randolph, Edmund 1783 (15 February) Disunity of the States
Randolph, Edmund 1794 (3 February Ignorance
Randolph, Edmund 1794 (3 February) Corruption / United States / The Congress


Randolph, John 1803 (1 December) Doing Good


Randolph, Thomas Jefferson 1808 (24 November) Responsibility
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson 1808 (24 November) Advice for Good Relations With Others
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson 1808 (24 November) Importance of Mentors


Randolph, Thomas Mann 1787 (6 July) Constitution / United States / General
Randolph, Thomas Mann 1787 (6 July) Education / Disciplined Study
Randolph, Thomas Mann 1790 (30 May) Federal Government / Moved to Philadelphia
Randolph, Thomas Mann 1790 (30 May) France / Foreign Relations
Randolph, Thomas Mann 1790 (30 May) Political Economy / Recommended Readings
Randolph, Thomas Mann 1800 (2 February) Bonaparte, Napoleon / Assessment of
Randolph, Thomas Mann 1800 (2 February) Bonaparte, Napoleon / Enemy of Republicanism


Roane, Spencer 1819 (6 September) Constitution / United States / Separation of Powers


Rodney, Caesar A. 1810 (10 February) Foreign Relations / State of the World


Rogers (Doctor) 1806 (2 March) Charity


Ronaldson, James 1810 (3 December) Government / Britain
Ronaldson, James 1813 (12 January) Monticello / Agricultural Production


Ross, James 1786 (8 May) Foreign Relations / Britain


Rush, Benjamin 1800 (23 September) Constitution / United States / Freedom of Religion
Rush, Benjamin 1803 (21 April) Christianity and Moral Principles
Rush, Benjamin 1803 (21 April) Christianity and Moral Principles
Rush, Benjamin 1803 (4 October) Franklin, Benjamin / Reflections on
Rush, Benjamin 1809 (22 September) Politics
Rush, Benjamin 1811 (15 January) Relationship With John Adams
Rush, Benjamin 1811 (16 January) Opinion of Alexander Hamilton
Rush, Benjamin 1811 (16 January) Relations with John Adams
Rush, Benjamin 1816 (9 February) Bonaparte, Napoleon / Enemy of Republicanism.htm


Rutledge, Edward 1788 (18 July) Indigenous American Tribes / Creeks
Rutledge, Edward 1788 (18 July) Government by Reason
Rutledge, Edward 1796 (27 December) Retirement / Desire For


Salmon, Daniel 1808 (15 February) Knowledge / Scientific


Say, Jean Baptiste 1804 (1 February) Malthus / On Political Economy
Say, Jean Baptiste 1804 (1 February) Political Economy


Serra, Correa de 1815 (28 June) Bonaparte, Napoleon / Return from Exile
Serra, Correa de 1815 (28 June) Moral Principles / And Scientific Research
Serra, Correa de 1816 (1 January) France / Restoration of Bourbon Monarchy


Seymour, Thomas 1807 (11 February) Freedom of the Press / Falsehoods


Short, William 1790 (10 August) New Orleans
Short, William 1793 (3 January) France / Revolution and Jacobins
Short, William 1814 (28 November) France / Conditions in
Short, William 1819 (31 October) Moral Principles / Epicurean Ideas
Short, William 1819 (31 October) Moral Philosophy
Short, William 1819 (31 October) Epicurian Doctrine
Short, William 1820 (131 April) Unity / Threat of Secession and Civil War


Sinclair, John 1803 (30 June) Foreign Relations / War Between Britain and France
Sinclair, John 1803 (30 June) Land Values / Agricultural
Sinclair, John 1803 (30 June) Westward Expansion


Skipwith, Robert 1771 (3 August) Education
Skipwith, Robert 1771 History / Lessons of


Slaughter (Doctor) 1806 (2 March) Charity


Small, William (Doctor) 1775 (7 May) Parliamentary Corruption


Smith (Colonel) 1787 (13 November) Constitution / United States / General
Smith (Colonel) 1787 (13 November) Rebellion / Needed to Secure Liberty


Smith, Samuel 1798 (22 August) Founders


Smith, Samuel Harrison 1814 (21 September) Foreign Relations / Britain / War
Smith, Samuel Harrison 1814 (21 September) Destruction of the Library of Congress by British Forces
Smith, Samuel Harrison 1814 (21 September) Jefferson's Personal Library


Spafford, Horatio G. 1814 (17 March) Patriotism and Merchants


Stael-Holstein, La Baronne De 1813 (24 May) Bonaparte, Napoleon / Destroyer of Civilizations
Stael-Holstein, La Baronne De 1813 (24 May) Robespierre
Stael-Holstein, LaBaronne de (Madame) 1815 (3 July) Foreign Relations / Neutrality


Stuart, Archibald 1799 (13 February) Alien and Sedition Laws
Stuart, Archibald 1799 (13 February) Foreign Relations / Neutrality
Stuart, Archibald 1799 (13 February) Foreign Relations / Russia


Sullivan, James 1797 (9 February) Public Service / Presidency


Taylor, John 1794 (29 December) Land / Agricultural Science
Taylor, John 1798 (1 June) Secession
Taylor, John 1805 (6 January) Presidency / Term of Office
Taylor, John 1808 (6 January) Foreign Relations / Embargo
Taylor, John 1816 (9 January) Moral Principles / Religion and Truth
Taylor, John 1816 (28 May) Constitution / United States / Debt and the Banks
Taylor, John 1816 (28 May) Republic / Meaning Of
Taylor, John 1816 (28 May) Republicanism Found in Various Governments
Taylor, John 1816 (28 May) Republics / Forms Of
Taylor, John 1816 (28 May) Constitution / United States / Debt and the Banks


Tazewell, Henry 1797 (16 January) Vice Presidency


Terrasson (Monsieur) 1788 (7 May) Virginia Act


Thomson, Charles 1787 (20 September) Indigenous American Tribes / Migration of
Thomson, Charles 1787 (20 September) Knowledge / Theories vs Observations
Thomson, Charles 1816 (9 January) Health


Trist (Mr.) 1785 (18 August) French People


Tucker, St. George 1797 (28 August) Slavery / Emancipation


Tyler, John (Judge) 1804 (28 June) Government / Just Principles of


Unidentified Addressee 1791 (19 February) Franklin, Benjamin
Unidentified Addressee 1793 (18 March) France / Revolution / Monarchy
Unidentified Addressee 1793 (18 March) Personal Affairs
Unidentified Addressee 1821 (24 November) Education / State University of Virginia


United States Supreme Court 1793 (18 July) Foreign Relations / Treaties


Utley, Vine (Doctor) 1819 (21 March) Personal Habits


Van Buren, Martin 1824 (29 June) Washington, George / and Constitution
Van Buren, Martin 1824 (29 June) Hamilton, Alexander / On U.S. Constitution


Van der Kemp, F.A. 1812 (22 March) Government / Object of


Volney (Mr.) 1797 (8 January) Retirement / Desire For


Warehouse, Benjamin 1822 (26 June) Moral Principles / Espoused by Jesus Christ


Waldo, John 1813 (16 August) Language / English


Walsh, Robert 1818 (4 December) Franklin, Benjamin / Reflections Regarding


Warville (Mr.) 1788 (12 February) Slavery / Abolition


Washington, George 1786 (14 November) Hereditary Aristocracy
Washington, George 1788 (2 May) Proposed Revisions to Constitution
Washington, George 1788 (4 November) Taxation and Credit Issues
Washington, George 1789 (10 May) Lafayette, Marquis de / Concern For
Washington, George 1789 (10 May) Paine, Thomas / Communications From
Washington, George 1789 (10 May) Presidency / Election of 1789
Washington, George 1789 (10 May) Waterways
Washington, George 1789 (15 December) Public Service / Secretary of State
Washington, George 1791 (10 April) Architecture
Washington, George 1792 (23 May) Secession
Washington, George 1792 (23 May) Urges George Washington Not to Retire
Washington, George 1792 (9 September) Alexander Hamilton / Criticism of his Policies as Secretary of the Treasury
Washington, George 1792 (9 September) Factions in the Government
Washington, George 1793 (2 December) Foreign Relations / Publication of Peace Negotiations
Washington, George 1793 (31 December Retirement / Secretary of State
Washington, George 1794 (25 April) Foreign Relations / Prospects of War
Washington, George 1794 (25 April) Retirement / Secretary of State


Webster, Noah 1790 (4 December) Constitution / United States / Bill of Rights -- 1790
Webster, Noah 1787 (16 September) Constitution / United States / General
Webster, Noah 1790 (4 December) Constitution / United States / Bill of Rights -- 1790


Weightman, Roger C. 1826 (24 June) Fiftieth Anniversary of American Independence
Weightman, Roger C. 1826 (24 June) Rights of Man


Williams, David 1803 (14 November) Education / Value to Society
Williams, David 1803 (14 November) Immigration From the Old World


Wirt, William 1808 (10 January) Public Service / Honorable Nature of


Wythe, George 1786 (13 August) Americans / Superiority of
Wythe, George 1786 (13 August) Education / As a Means to End Prejudice
Wythe, George 1786 (13 August) Freedom of Religion
Wythe, George 1787 (16 September) Constitution / United States / General
Wythe, George 1792 (7 November) Constitution / United States / Bill of Rights
Wythe, George 1797 (22 January) Vice Presidency
Wythe, George 1809 (19 May) Education / Libraries
