

Forum on Land Value Taxation

Edward J. Dodson

[Report on a public forum held at the Federal Reserve Bank in Philadelphia, 30 January, . Reprinted from GroundSwell, 2001]

An audience of nearly 90 Philadelphians, representing a broad cross-section of organizations, attended a public forum on land value taxation held at the Federal Reserve Bank in Philadelphia.

The forum was sponsored by ten regional non-profit groups and by Fannie Mae. Joshua Vincent, President of the Henry George Foundation of America provided an overview of LVT and what other communities in Pennsylvania and elsewhere had adopted some form of LVT.

Jonathan Saidel, Controller of the City of Philadelphia discussed the reasons why he has included LVT in his proposal to overhaul of how Philadelphia raises its public revenue (a reduction in the wage tax and taxes on businesses are also integral to his report presented to City Council and the Mayor). Finally, Prof. Nicolaus Tideman discussed what broader economic changes the people of Philadelphia might expect to experience under LVT. A lively discussion period followed the three presenters, moderated by Ed Dodson of Fannie Mae.