Name |
of Residence |
Bab, Herbert J.G. |
... |
- 19-- - Born, Vienna, Austria
- 1936 - Received his Ph.D. in Political
Economy, University of Vienna; then became a research fellow at
King's College, Cambridge
- 1938 - Migrated to U.S. and settled in California
Babcock, Charles L. (Dr.) |
(Milwaukee) |
- 1864 - Born, Manitowac, Wisconsin
- 1886 - Became interested in Henry George
after learning of his campaign for mayor of New York City
- 1911 - Attended Single Tax conference,
Chicago, Illinois, November
Babcock, J.L. |
Pennsylvania (Erie) |
- 1890 - Serving as Secretary, Erie Tax ReformLeague
Babilot, George |
California (San Diego) |
- 1960 - Assistant Professor of Economics, San
Diego State College
- 1960 - Served on advisory board of Henry
George School
- 1989 - Trustee, Basic Economic Education
- 2008 - Member, Council of Georgist
Babson, Roger |
... |
- 1875 - Born, 6 July, Gloucester,
- 18-- - Graduated, Massachusetts Institute of
- 1904 - Founded Babson's Statistical
- 1919 - Founded Babson Institute (now Babson
- 1929 - Forecasted stock market crash
- 1940 - Stood as Prohibition Party candidate
for U.S. Presidency
- 1943 - Advocated the adoption of Henry
George's proposals in his syndicated column
Bachman, Estella |
... |
- 1909 - Novel,
The Soul of the World,
published with a Georgist theme
Bachner, George |
... |
- 1984 - Elected Vice President, International Union
Bachrach, Louis Fabian |
Massachusetts (Boston)
(Newtown) |
- 1928 - Letter,
criticizing editors of Land and Freedom for including too much material unrelated to the
Single Tax,
- 1957 - Letter printed, Henry George News
Backman, William H. |
Michigan (St. Claire Shores) |
- 1937 - Attended Henry George Congress,
Detroit, Michigan; 14-16 October
Backus, E. |
(Oakland) |
- 1921 - Distributed over 5,000 pieces of
Single Tax literature
Badger, Clarence V. |
(San Diego) |
- 1960 - Teacher, Henry George School
Badger, Sidney |
(Chicago) |
- 1916 - Letter of sympathy to Marie George,
widow of Henry George, Jr., 15 November
Badgley, Henry F. |
New Jersey
(Montclair) |
- 19-- - Served as member of faculty, Henry
George School, New Jersey
- 1949 - Attended International Union
conference, Swanwick, England
Badgley, Margaret Tozier |
New Jersey
(Newark) |
- 1940s - Becomes director, Henry George School
- 1959 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Badgley, R. Douglas |
New Jersey |
- 1959 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Bahni, Fred J. |
(Peoria) |
- 1933 - Attended Henry George Congress
Baildon, Charles H. |
New York (Ludlowville) |
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New
York City
- 1928 - Letter, regarding Harry Gunnison
Brown's article on taxation of agricultural land,
Land and Freedom, July-August
- 1930 - Died, 11 October (age 69)
Bailey, Edward Homer |
(Johnstown) |
- 18-- - Entered the newspaper business and eventually became editor
of several newspapers
- 1893 - Became editor of the Johnstown Democrat
Bailey, Florence E.L. |
(Los Angeles) |
- 1917 - Letter,
in support of The Great Adventure,
Everyman, October
- 1918 - Letter, Everyman, April, in
which she wrote:
"All the
beautiful thoughts spoken at the chapel about Mr. Kuehn were the
ones I wanted to say but could not. His acquaintance was to me
like the jobs of a prolonged June day, so warm, so tranquil and
withal so enlightening and gentle. I am more nearly broken
hearted over the loss than I've ever been. I cannot but mourn."
Bailey, H.E. |
(Omaha) |
- 1936 - Serving as President, Baker
Manufacturing Co. and active in Single Tax movement
Bailey, Jeff A. |
California |
- 1890 - Serving as Secretary, Contra Costa
County Single Tax Committee
Bailey, Liberty |
... |
- 1932 - Review (unsigned) of the book:
The Holy Earth,
by Liberty Bailey;
Land and Freedom, September-October
Bailey, Patricia |
(Birmingham) |
- 1960 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Detroit, MI
Bailey, Warren Worth |
Illinois (Chicago) Pennsylvania
(Johnstown) |
- 1855 - Born, 8 January, New Winchester,
- 1863 - Moved to Illinois with family
- 1880 - Read Progress and Poverty,
submitted to his Vincennes, Indiana newspaper for review. Progress
and Poverty explained for him why the British version of
free trade had not reduced poverty
- 1880 - Began writing editorials exploring
the philosophy of Henry George
- 1887 - Moved to Chicago, Illinois and helped
to found the Chicago Single Tax Club
- 1888 - Became an editorial writer for the
Chicago Daily News
- 1889 - Attended National Conference of
Single Tax Clubs, Cooper Union, New York, NY, September
- 1890 - Serving as member, Committee on Local
- 1890 - Serving as President, Chicago Single
Tax Club
- 1893 - He and his brother purchased the
Johnstown, Pennsylvania Democrat
- 1899 - Letter,
In Defense of the Single Tax on Land Values
challenging the
assertion by Prof. James Bryce, that many countries have relied
on a land tax as proposed by Henry George, The Century
Magazine, Vol. 58, No.1, May
Bailey, Warren Worth |
1901-1915 |
- 190- - Moved to Pennsylvania; became editor
of the Johnstown Democrat
- 1904 - Member, Anti-Imperialist League
- 1909 - Serving as President, Cambria County
Single Tax Club
- 1912 - Elected to U.S. House of
- 1914 - Reelected to the U.S. House of
Representatives; delivered an address on the Single Tax
published in the Congressional Record
- 1915 - Serving as President, Chicago Single
Tax Club
- 1916 - Appointed Chairman of the
Sub-committee on Taxation and Assessment, for the District of
Columbia. He also introduced "a
bill providing for self-government in the City of Washington."
Bailey, Warren Worth |
1916-1920 |
- 1916 - Introduced a resolution to amend the
constitution to provide a single presidential term of six years
- 1916 - Unsuccessful in his bid for
reelection to the U.S. House of Representatives
- 1917 - Introduced a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that
"provides for the exemption of all improvements in or upon land from
assessment and taxation, while the original acts provided for the
taxation of land an improvements." From a letter to Daniel Kiefer dated
19 January.
- 1920 - Unsuccessful in his bid ror election
to the U.S. House of Representatives
Bailey, Warren Worth |
1921- |
- 1926 - Elected to the board, Henry George
Foundation of America
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New
York City
- 1928 - Letter,
commending editors of Land
and Freedom for a great Single Tax publication,
Bailey, William R. |
(Sparta) |
- 1890 - Serving as Secretary, Single Tax
Bair, Donald O. |
... |
- 1974 - Member, Graded Tax League of Pennsylvania
Baker, Anna (Nancy) |
(Concord) |
- 1979 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
San Francisco, California
Baker, Charles H. |
... |
- 1917 - Participated in The Great Adventure
conference, Atlantic City, NJ, 13-15 April
Baker, Newton D.

(Cleveland) |
- 1871 - Born, West Virginia
- 1890s - Became Henry George supporter
- 1892 - Graduated, Johns Hopkins University;
then moved to Cleveland, Ohio
- 1901 - Appointed law director of Cleveland
(served to 1911) 1912 - Elected mayor of Cleveland; served to
- 1912 - Article (unsigned),
Newton D. Baker,
Saturday Evening Post, 5 January
- 1912 - Article (unsigned),
Newton D. Baker,
The Creighton Nebraska Liberal, 26 July
- 1916 - Quoted in Collier's:
"I believe in free trade and I believe in the idea
of Single Tax. Yet I am neither a free trader nor a Single Taxer. I don't think
any single generation should be called upon to undo the work of many generations.
Some changes are best made gradually. As I look at it we may believe in what ought
to be, and use that as a port of lighthouse to steer by."
To which the editor of The Single Tax Review commented:
"For so much, thanks! Yet, Mr. Baker
reminds one of the man in Maine who declared himself
'in favor of prohibition but agin its enforcement'."
- 1917 - Appointed Secretary of War by Woodrow Wilson
- 1926 - Letter,
expressing regret at not
being able to speak at the Henry George Memorial in September,
Land and Freedom, September-October
- 1928 - Appointed to Law Enforcement
Commission by Herbert Hoover
- 1931 - Letter to John C. Rose,
regarding Henry George;
Land and Freedom, May-June
- 1936 - Book,
Why We Went to War,
- 1937 - Died, 25 December, age 66
Baker, Robert M. |
New York (Brooklyn)
Missouri (St. Louis) |
- 1862 - Born, April, in England (Bury St. Edmonds)
- 1887 - First heard Henry George speak and joined the Albany
Single Tax Club
- 1887 - Serving as secretary of the Albany Single Tax League
- 1890 - Attended National Conference of Single-Taxers
- 189- - Elected President, Brooklyn Single Tax League
- 189- - Elected to U.S. House of Representatives
- 1890s - active in Single Tax movement
- 1893 - Hosted first meeting of the "Citizens
Union," an independent government watchdog organization
- 1894 - Candidate for the New York State Assembly
- 1900 - Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives (Brooklyn)
Baker, Robert M. |
1901-1903 |
- 1902 - Re-elected to U.S. House of
Representatives (Brooklyn) but defeated in 1904 and again in 1906
Baker, Robert M. |
1904-1909 |
- 1904 - Defeated in his bid for re-election, a victim of the Roosevelt
(Republican Party) landslide victory
- 1905 - Listed as a member of the Manhattan
Single Tax Club of New York and a lecturer
- 1906 - Appointed secretary of the New York City Department of
Docks and Ferries, but left after three days after being told he was
prohibited from public speaking in his new job
Baker, Robert M. |
1910 - |
- 1910 - Served as Chairman, Single Tax
Conference, New York, NY, 19-21 November
- 1910 - Appointed Field Secretary of the
Joseph Fels Fund
- 1911 - Attended Single Tax conference,
Chicago, Illinois, November
- 1931 - Article,
"The True Funcation of Money,"
Christian Science Monitor
- 1934 - Organizing the Henry George Club of East St. Louis
- 1943 - Died, 15 June, in Brooklyn, New York (age 81)
Baker, Scott

New York
(New York) |
- 2007 - Novel, Neitherworld, published
- 2009 - Article,
"A New Form of Capitalilsm is Needed: Geonomics,", 4 February
- 2009 - Article,
"A New Form of Capitalism: Geonomics,", 28 June
- 2009 - Article,
"Geonomics and the True Cost of Poverty,", 29 June
- 2009 - Article,
"Geonomics: What Ever Happened to the Movement Henry George Started?", 29 June
- 2009 - Article,
"The End of the Bubble Economy,", 31 July
- 2009 - Article,
"Making Our Own Money: Returning to the Constitution,", 4 October
- 2009 - Article,
"A Georgist Review of Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story,", 10 October
- 2009 - Article,
"Creating a Geonomic Party in New York State,", 8 December
- 2010 - Serving as President of the New York
City chapter of Common Ground, U.S.A.
- 2010 - Article,
"The Least Productive People in the World,"
GroundSwell, January-February
- 2010 - Article,
"The Least Productive People in the World,", 20 February
- 2010 - Article,
"We CAN Have It All,", 24 February
- 2010 - Article,
"We CAN Have It All, Part II,", 6 March
- 2010 - Article,
"Have Conditions in the Laboring Class improved from Henry
George's Time to our Own?,", 19 March
- 2010 - Created LVT Comic Book, with art from
Common Ground member, Eric Johnson: Tax and the City, located in
the files section for downloading
- 2010 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Albany, NY, 12-16 July, representing
Common Ground's New York City chapter
- 2010 - Work in Progress: a film series on
land and the economy
- 2010 - Novel,
Baker, Scott |
2011-2015 |
- 2011 - Article,
"Is 'Sleeping with the Enemy' the Same as Sleeping with Ourselves,"
GroundSwell, July-August
- 2012 - Attended the conference of the
Council of Georgist Organizations, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania; July
- 2012- Article,
"Of Hurricanes and Henry George,"
GroundSwell, November-December
- 2014 - Audio,
on, 25 January
- 2014 -
by Andrew Mazzone on Smart Talk. Reprinted from GroundSwell,
- 2015 - Book,
America is Not Broke,
- 2015 - Resigned as President of Common
Ground NYC, May
Baker, Scott |
2016 - |
- 2024 - Serving as Vice President of Common Ground, U.S.A.
Baldwin, Carl (Mrs.) |
(Naperville) |
- 1949 - Member, Henry George Woman's Club of Chicago
Baldwin, Charles Gambrill |
New York
(New York) |
- 1871 - Born, 19 June (Baltimore)
- 1892 - Graduated from Johns Hopkins
- 1895 - Graduated from the University of
Maryland Law School
- 1929 - Attended International Union
conference, Edinburgh, Scotland
- 1929 - Residing in Baltimore, Maryland
- 1931 - Chaired Henry George Congress,
Baltimore, October
- 1932 - Serving as member, advisory
committee, Henry George School, New York, NY
- 1936 - Exchanged correspondence with Spencer
Heath, 27 October
- 1936 - Residing in Maryland
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union, London, England;
1-5 September
- 1939 - Died, 30 August (age 70) in Baltimore
Baldwin, F.Spencer |
Massachusetts (Boston) |
- 1903 - On the economics faculty at Boston University
Baldwin, Henry DeForest |
New York (New York) |
Balk, Alfred |
... |
- 1971 - Book,
The Free List,
Ball, Harry R. |
(Chicago) |
- 1941 - Chairman, Student Promotion
Committee, Henry George School
Ballard, Elsie |
(Vashon) |
Ballen, Roland |
(Vashon) |
- 1989 - Developed a proposal to create local
community inheritance corporations
Balogh, Sandor |
... |
- Profession: Professor, Hudson Valley
Community College
Balou, Frank E. |
Rhode Island
(Providence) |
- 1920 - Article, Taxation, February:
"On January 23rd, Frank E. Ballou, representative from Providence, introduced
into the State Legislature and had referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary, an
act providing that: The electors of any town qualified to vote on a proposition to impose a tax,
or the City Council of any City, may by vote exempt from taxation, for a period of ten
years and until otherwise voted, all buildings and other improvements on the lands therein,
and during the period of any such exemption, the rate of taxation upon the ratable lands
therein may be in excess of one and one-half per centum of the valuation thereof."
Ban, Olga |
... |
- 1945 - Serving as corresponding secretary,
Henry George School, Hartford, Connecticut
Bancroft, Caroline |
(Detroit) |
- 1960 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Detroit, MI
Bang, Frank L. |
New York
(New York) |
- 1957 - Completed a recording of an
abridgment of Progress & Poverty for distribution
- 1961 - Serving on the faculty of the Henry George School
- 1970s - Became a member of the Henry George Institute
Bangs, Mark |
(Chicago) |
- 1822 - Born, 9 January, in Hawley, Franklin, Massachusetts
- 18-- - Graduated from the Collegiate Institute of Rochester, New York;
then read law at Springfield, Massachusetts
- 1850 - Moved to Illinois and was admitted to the bar of Illinois
at Lacon, Marshall county
- 1854 - Organized a state convention held in Springfield, Illinois
to found the Republican party
- 1850s - Campaigned against slavery
- 1859 - Elected judge of the circuit court, March
- 1862 - Was one of the originators of the War Time Union League
- 1869 - Elected to the State Senate
- 1873 - Appointed by the Governor to fill a vacated position on
the circuit court
- 1875 - Appointed U.S. Attorney for the northern district of Illinois
(serving until 1879)
- 1880s - Became a supporter of Henry George and the Single Tax
- 1902 - Died, 23 June (age 80), in Chicago
Banks, Bebe |
(San Diego) |
- 1958 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, San Diego, CA
Banks, Louis Albert |
... |
- 1939 - Poem,
"The Way to Industrial Peace,"
The New Abolition, September
Banks, William |
New Jersey |
- 1945 - Instructor at Henry George School
Bann, James |
(Cincinnati) |
- 1918 - Letter,
supporting the Great Adenture campaign,
Everyman, April
Barak, J. Franklin |
New York
(Syracuse) |
- 1939 - Teaching Henry George class at YMCA
Barbour, N.R. |
(Lankford) |
- 1917 - Letter,
in support of The Great Adventure campaign,
Everyman, October
Barbuto, Richard |
New York |
- 198- - Joins faculty, Henry George School, NY
- 198- - Elected trustee, Henry George School, NY
- 1981 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Franklin Pierce College, New Hampshire
- 1984 - Attended CGO conference, Pawling, NY
- 1984 - Participated in discussion on "the
Crisis in International Debt," at Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Pawling, New York
- 1988 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Atlanta, GA, July
- 1989 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Philadelphia, PA
- 1989 - Photo,
at Henry George School, Philadelphia, with Ed Dodson
- 2007 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, July
Bardero, John S. |
... |
- 1973 - Member, board, Henry George School of
Northern California
Bardon, C.O. |
(Chicago) |
- 1936 - Vice President, Henry George Fellowship
Barker, Bret |
(Los Angeles) |
- Profession: high school economics teacher
- 198- - Joins faculty, Henry George School
- 1989 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Philadelphia, PA
- 1990 - Elected trustee, Henry George School
- 1993 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Los Angeles, CA, July
- 2007 - Attended Council of Georgist Organizations conference,
University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, July
- 2018 -
Left to right: Bret Barker, Brandon Barker,
Hovik Minasyian, Harry Pollard, Mason Gaffney, Ted Gwartney
Barker, Charles A. |
Santa Barbara |
- Professor of History, Johns Hopkins
- 1947 - Paper,
"Henry George and the California Background of 'P and P',"
California Historical Society Quarterly,
Vol.XXIV, pp.97-115
- 1953 - Address,
The Followers of Henry George,
delivered before the American
Historical Association, 30 December, 1952; printed in the Henry
George News, February
- 1955 - Biography,
Henry George
published (full text provided of the digital edition republished
in 2020 by the Robert Schalkenbach Foundation)
- 1955 - Review by Ruth Eagles of the book:
Henry George,
by Charles A. Barket;
New York History, Vol.36, No.2, April
- 1955 - Review by Broadus Mitchell of the book:
Henry George,
by Charles Albro Barker,
Political Science Quarterly, Vol.70,
No.2, June; pp.286-288
- 1955 - Review by Theodore Saloutos of the book:
Henry George,
by Charles Albro Barker,
Pacific Historical Review, Vol.24, No.3,
August; pp.316-318
- 1955 - Review by Ray Ginger of the book:
Henry George,
by Charles Albro Barker,
The American Historical Review,
Vol.61, No.1, October, pp.147-148
- 1956 - Review by Arthur P. Dudden of the book:
Henry George,
by Charles Albro Barker,
The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and
Biography, Vol.80, No.1, January; pp.130-131
- 1956 - Review by Constance McL Green of the book:
Henry George,
by Charles Albro Barker;
The Journal of Economic History, Vol.16, No.1, March, pp.79-82
- 1956 - Review by A.W. Coats of the book:
Henry George,
by Charles Albro Barker, Economica, New Series, Vol.23, No.90,
May, pp.193-194
- 1957 - Address,
"Discoveries About Henry George,"
delivered at the Henry George School
conference, Wagner College, Staten Island, NY, 12 July
- 1957 - Banquet speech, Henry George School
conference, New York, NY, 12 July [subject not known]
- 1993 - Died, September 12, age 88
Barker, Edward |
Rhode Island
(Pawtucket) |
- 1890 - Serving as President, Pawtucket
Single Tax Association
- 1940 - Booklet,
My Story -- Englishman by Birth, American by Adoption
issued by the author
Barker, Harold W. |
Nebraska |
- 1938 - Attended Henry George Congress,
Toronto, Ontario; 7-9 September
Barker, Wesley E. |
... |
- 18-- - Born, Springfield, Massachusetts
- 189- - Reviewed Progress and Poverty while acting as correspondent for
the Springfield Republican
- 1893 - Joined the Manhattan Single Tax Club
- 189- - Elected Secretary of the New York State Single Tax League
Barker, William (Dr.) |
Rhode Island (Pawtucket) |
- 1890 - Serving as Secretary, Pawtucket Single Tax Association
Barkley, R.W. |
New York (New York) |
Barlor, R.O. |
Illinois |
- 1911 - Attended Single Tax conference,
Chicago, Illinois, November
Barnes, (Prof.) |
- 1915 - Delegate to Single Tax convention,
San Francisco
Barnes, Earl |
New York
(Martville) |
- 1889 - Appointed Professor of History,
Indiana University
- 1891 - Earned A.B., Indiana University and
M.S., Cornell University
- 1891 - Appointed Professor of Education,
Stanford University (thru 1897)
- 1901 - Lecture, with the American Society
for the Extension of University Teaching, Philadelphia (lived in
the Joseph Fels residence at 3640 Chestnut Street during this
- 1907 - Book,
Where Knowledge Fails
- 1912 - Book,
Women in Modern Society
- 1915 - Joined Mary Fels on a series of
lectures in San Francisco following the Joseph Fels Fund
- 19xx - Quote:
value that attaches to land by reason of its location was
produced by the people; it belongs to the people; and if the
people are wise to their own interests, they will take it by
- 1916 - Attended Joseph Fels Fund conference,
Niagara Falls, NY, 19-21 August
- 1926 - Participated in the Henry George
Foundation of America Congress
- 1927 - Letter to the editor:
on the Single Tax,
Land and Freedom, March-April
- 1935 - Died, 29 May, Hartford, Connecticut
Barnes, Gaybert |
New York
(New York) |
- 1886 - Elected Secretary of an educational
program to promote Henry George's ideas
Barnes, J.C. |
... |
- 1835 - Born (became a physician and free mason)
- 1909 - Died, 23 December (age 74)
Barnes, William H. |
... |
- 1907 - Hired as the printer for The Single Tax Review
- 1912 - Became a supporter of the Single Tax:
"He did not yield easily. His Bible stood in the way. For a long time
he could not see that individual regeneration was impossible under an unnatural
economic system, and taht personal righteousness could not of itself solve the
great social question. But when he did see ithe drew from the same Book the
inspiration andthe lesson of social justice." The Single Tax Review,
May-June, 1917
- 1917 - Died, 1 April of pneumonia
Barnum, Richard C. |
(Cleveland) |
- Profession: Head of Barnum Publishing Co.
- 189- - Attended Hiram College for one year
- 1920 - Single Tax Party candidate for U.S.
Vice President
- 1932 - Serving as member, advisory
committee, Henry George School, New York, NY
Baron, Luella |
(Detroit) |
- 1969 - Serving as chair of the Committee for
Better Cities, established to promote land value taxation
Baron, Mark |
(Brookline) |
- 1973 - Active in Georgist movement
Barr, Cyril Charles |
New York
(Long Island City) |
- 1944 - Letter,
Atlantic Charter Basis,
regarding free trade and the
collection of ground rent, reprinted from the New York Sun
in the Henry George News, February
Barr, Douglas |
(Minnetonka) |
- 2011 - Attended the Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Bloomington, Minnesota, 2-6 August
Barr, J.E. |
Pennsylvania (Waterford) |
Barr, Malwin |
New York
(New York) |
- 1944 - Letter to the editor:
regarding Henry David Thoreau's views on ownership of ground rents,
Henry George News, February
Barrett, Frances |
... |
- 19-- - Earned Doctor of Literature from
Carls University, Prague
- 1941 - Left Italy after 20 years of
residence there
- 1942 - Began taking courses at the Henry
George School, New York
Barrett, Froman |
... |
- 1989 - Trustee, Basic Economic Education
Barringer, Edmund |
(San Diego) |
- 1977 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Barringer, E. (Mrs.) |
(San Diego) |
- 1980 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
New York, New York
Patrick J. |
(Upper Darby) |
- 1978 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania
Barry, Addison K. |
New Jersey
(West Caldwell) |
- 1936 - Studied Henry George; elected to the
board, Henry George School
- 1957 - Serving as Vice President, National
Newark and Essex Bank
- 1959 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
- 1963 - Became trustee emeritus of Henry
George School
Barry, Charles A. |
... |
- 1916 - Serving as Registrar, Massachusetts
Single Tax League
Barry, Herbert (III)

Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh) |
- 1930 - Born, New York City 1952 - Earned
B.A. degree, Harvard College
- 1953 - Earned M.S. degree, Yale University
- 1957 - Earned Ph.D., Yale University
- 1970s - First introduced to Henry George's
writings by Dan Sullivan
- 1989 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Philadelphia, PA
- 1994 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Fairhope, Alabama
- 1999 - Chapter ("Psychological Perspective on the Land-Value Tax,")
from the book:
Land-Value Taxation,
edited by Kenneth C. Wenzer
- 2003 - Paper,
Taxation Detracts,
Western Pennsylvania Mensa PHOENIX, Vol.35, No.4, April
- 2005 - Letter to the editor:
regarding land-value taxation,
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 4 June. Reprinted in
GroundSwell, May-June
- 2006 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Evanston, Illinois, July
- 2007 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA,
- 2009 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Cleveland, Ohio
- 2011- Attended the Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Bloomington, Minnesota, 2-6 August
- 2011- Stepped down from the board of the
Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, June
- 2011- Letter,
Property Taxes,
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 20 January; reprinted in GroundSwell,
- 2012 - Attended conference of the Council of
Georgist Organizations; Camp Hill, PA; July
- 2013 - Letter to the editor:
"A Poetic Plan,"
printed in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 3 March;
reprinted in GroundSwell, May-June
- 2013 - Letter to the editor:
"Maximize Value,"
printed in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 28 June;
reprinted in GroundSwell, July-August
- 2014 - Letter to the editor:
Millage on Land,
printed in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 20
June; reprinted in GroundSwell, May-June
- 2014 - Attended conference of the Council of
Georgist Organizations; Newport Beach, California, 7-11 July
- 2015 - Attended the joint conference of the
International Union and Council of Georgist Organizations;
Southfield, Michigan; 4-8 August
- 2015 - Letter to the editor:
Tax All Land,
printed in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 22 January;
reprinted in GroundSwell, November-January
Barry, James H. |
(San Francisco) |
- 1856 - Born, 15 February, New York, New York
- 1859 - Family moved to California
- 1884 - Appointed editor of The Star,
San Francisco
- 1898 - Candidate (unsuccessful) for the U.S.
House of Representatives
- 1909 - Active in Single Tax movement
- 1913 - Appointed by Woodrow Wilson to the
position of Naval Officer of Customs (through 1921)
- 1918 - Comments on a letter signed by Messrs. Kiefer, Garrison, Stephens and others
printed in the March-April issue of The Single Tax Review:
"It isn't necessary for the San Francisco Star to say that it does not share the
peculiar views expressed by Kiefer and his 'non-resistant' associates, but it is necessary to
say that the only importance of these men to us and to other Single Taxers is the fact that for
some years they have been prominent in the Single Tax movement, and that we hope the Single
Taxers of America will quickly and effectively relieve them of their prominence in
the movement."
"The overwhelming majority of single Tax men and women of America
are loyal to their cuntry, and the stigma of disloyalty should not attach to them because of the
attitude and utterences of a few persons. Those Americans who are not for America in this war are
against America, and if there is any difference between against America and being for Germany and
Prussianism we don't know what it is. It is distinctly harmful to the Single Tax cause that
Daniel Kiefer is chairman of the National Single Tax League."
Barton, George F. |
New York
- 1926 - Delegate to Henry George Congress,
Bashian, Aram |
Mass. (Boston) |
- 1942 - Elected to board, Henry George
Institute of New England
Bassler, Clyde G. |
(Chicago) |
- 1940 - Address on the work of the Henry
George School, at commencement exercises, 15 December
- 1969 - Attended Henry George School
conference, Chicago, Illinois
Bassler, Clyde (Mrs.) |
... |
- 1948 - Attended Henry George School
conference, Chicago, Illinois, 23-25 July
Bassler, Gustave |
New York
(Brooklyn) |
- 1900s - Supported the taxation of land
values but not the Single Tax
- 19-- - Trustee, Brotherhood of the
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New
York City
- 1936 - Died, 3 September (age 75)
Bassler, Ruth Ann |
(Chicago) |
- 1940 - Address,
"Literary Masterpieces of the Ages,"
to a group of book reviewers, 11 April
- 1940 - Elected Corresponding Secretary,
Henry George Women's Club
- 1940 - Address,
"Women Against Taxation,"
Henry George Women's Club, 10 December
- 1940 - Review of the book:
Into Abdundance,
by Soren K. Ostergaard; The Freeman, December
- 1943 - Elected President, Henry George
Woman's Club of Chicago (to 1945)
- 1949 - Elected Director, Henry George
Woman's Club of Chicago
- 1969 - Attended Henry George School
conference, Chicago, Illinois
Bastida, Antonio |
... |
- 1862 - Born, in Trinidad, Cuba
- 1886 - Became involved in the Single Tax movement
- 1890 - Joined the Manhattan Single Tax Club
- 1910 - Participated in the formation ofthe Land Value Tax Party
- 1917 - Participated in The Great Adventure
conference, Atlantic City, NJ, 13-15 April
- 19-- - Retired and relocated to California
Batchelor, H.A. |
Illinois |
- 1911 - Attended Single Tax conference,
Chicago, Illinois, November
Bateman, Margaret E.

New York (New York) |
- 1937 - Completed Henry George courses in Montreal
- 1938 - Taught her first courses at the Henry
George School in Montreal
- 1938 - Elected to the board of the Monteral School of Economic Science; also became
co-editor of the Square Deal, published in Toronto
- 1941 - Assistant director, Henry George
School of Social Science, New York, replacing Edwin Ross
- 1942 - Address, at commencement exercises,
Henry George School, Philadelphia
- 1942 - Appointed Director, Henry George School in New York
(served until 1946)
Bateman, Margaret E. |
1943 |
- 1943 - Address,
"Education for a Post-War World,"
to the Business and Professional Men's
Club, Paterson, NJ, 29 September
Bateman, Margaret E. |
1944 |
- 1944 - Review (unsigned) of the book:
Whose World,
Henry George News, September
Bateman, Margaret E. |
1945 |
- 1945 - Address,
"How to Achieve a Permanent Peace,"
delivered on radio station WLIB, 5 May
Bateman, Margaret E. |
1946 |
- 1946 - Returned to Canada after her departure from the Henry George School
in New York
- 1949 - Attended the conference of the International Union for Land
Value Taxation and Free Trade held in England. She presented a paper on "The
Need for Co-ordination and Dissemination of Information on a World Scale."
- 1962 - Attend the conference of the International Union for Land
Value Taxation and Free Trade held in Odense, Denmark
Batt, H. William

br> |
New York
(Albany) |
- 1962 - Earned A.B. in Government,
University of Massachusetts
- 1962 - Served as volunteer in the Peace
Corps. in Northern Thailand (Group III, to January, 1965)
- 1965 - Studied at the Goethe Institute in a
small town outside of Munich, Germany before returning to the
United States in June
- 1965 - Served as teaching fellow, Northern
Illinois; SUNY-Albany colleges
- 1972 - Serving on the faculty of several
colleges: Siena College, Russell Sage College, University of
Baltimore and SUNY-Binghamton (now Binghamton University),
through 1981
- 1974 - Earned Ph.D. in Political Science, SUNY-Albany
- 1976 - Founder and administrative director
of the Central Research Group, maintaining the research activity
off and on until 1981, which became dormant from that time until
revived in 1995
- 1982 - Served as Budget Analyst, Department
of Transportation, New York State (thru 1983)
- 1983 - Served as Assistant Research
Director, New York State Legislative Committee on Critical
Transportation Choices (thru 1984)
- 1984 - Served as Staff political scientist,
New York State Legislative Tax Study Commission (thru 1992)
Batt, H. William |
1991-1997 |
- 1992 - Retired from salaried public service
to dedicate himself full time to exploring the Georgist
Batt, H. William |
1999 |
- 1999 - Paper,
Smart Growth,
presented at a conference held in Albany, New York
Batt, H. William |
2000 |
- 2000 - Review of the book:
The Long Emergnecy,
by James Howard Kuntsler,
GroundSwell, May-June
- 2000 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Des Moines, Iowa
Batt, H. William |
2001 |
- 2001 - Article,
"Fallacies of the Slippery Slope Argument,"
The Torch, Vol. 75, No.1, Fall
Batt, H. William |
2003 |
- 2003 - Elected to the board, Robert
Schalkenbach Foundation (served through May, 2011)
Batt, H. William |
2004 |
- 2004 - Address,
"Moral Reasoning and Social Structure: A Cross Cultural View,"
presented to the Albany Torch Club, 2 February; selected for publication in The
Torch, Vol.78, No.3, Spring
- 2004 - Participated in a panel on "Balanced
Growth for Albuquerque," at the Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- 2004 - Serving on the board, Robert
Schlakenbach Foundation
Batt, H. William |
2005 |
- 2005 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; August
- 2005 - Paper,
Take Your Choice,
Incentive Taxation, November and December issues
Batt, H. William |
2006 |
- 2006 - Comments on the presentation by Peter A. Diamond:
Saving Social Security,
at the Scranton University Henry George
Lecture; 13 October 2005. Reprinted from GroundSwell,
- 2006 - Article,
"Henry George Fall 2005 Lecture at University of Scranton,"
GroundSwell, January-February
- 2006 - Article,
"Critique of Recent Report on New York State Property Taxes,"
Empire State Report, June
- 2006 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Evanston, Illinois, July
- 2006 - Review of the book:
The Physical Foundation of Economics: An Analytic Thermodynamic Theory,
by Jing Chen (World Scientific Press, 2005), GroundSwell,
- 2006 - Comments on the presentation by Michael Kremer:
Raising Attendance in Schools,
at the Scranton University Henry
George Lecture; 16 October 2006. Reprinted from GroundSwell,
Batt, H. William |
2007 |
- 2007 - Review of the book:
The Social Conscience,
by Michel Glautier (published by
Shepheard-Walwyn); Reviewed in June
- 2007 - Address,
"Development and Wealth,"
at the conference "Two Views of Social Justice: A
Catholic/Georgist Dialogue," held at the University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, 26 July (in conjunction
with the conference of the Council of Georgist Organizations)
- 2007 - Powerpoint presentation,
Who Gets the Free Lunch?
at the U.S. Ecological Economics Conference, New York City, 27 June
- 2007 - Testimony at the New York regional
Greenhouse Gas Initiative Rules Hearing;
GroundSwell, November-December
Batt, H. William |
2009 |
- 2009 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Cleveland, Ohio
- 2009 - Review of the book:
The Mystery of Capital,
by Hernando DeSoto; the review
expanded and updated from 2004
Batt, H. William |
2010 |
- 2010 - Presentation with graphics,
"Understanding Ground Rent, A Georgist Approach,"
- 2010 - Elected to the Executive Committee of
the International Union for Land Value Taxation, April
- 2010 - Acted as host for the annual Council
of Georgist Organizations conference in Albany, New York, July;
agreed to continue to serve on the conference planning committee
to assist in the planning of future conferences
Batt, H. William |
2011 |
- 2011 - Presentation,
"Taxing Land Rents, Now Demonstrable and Feasible, is the Perfect Revenue
Source of Government Finance,"
before the New York State
legislature, January
- 2011 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Bloomington, Minnesota, 2-6 August;
moderated panel, "Economic, Ethnic and Racial Divides in
the U.S. Economy," 3 August
- 2011 - Attended conference of the Council of
Georgist Organizations, Bloomington, Minnesota
- 2011 - Paper,
"Taxing Land Rents for Urban Livability and Sustainability,"
in Larry Kreiser, et
al. (ed.), Environmental Taxation and Climate Change:
Achieving Environmental Sustainability through Fiscal Policy.
Volume X in Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation.
(Northampton, MA. Edward Elgar Publishers, 2011): 99-110
Batt, H. William |
2012 |
- 2012 - Attended conference of the Council of
Georgist Organization; Camp Hill, PA; July
- 2012 - Testimony on:
Economic Development,
Submitted to the New York State Committee; 17
December, 2012; reprinted in GroundSwell, May-June, 2013
Batt, H. William |
2013 |
- 2013 - Paper,
The Tax Solution,
presented at Cooper Union Foundation
Building, New York; 12 May
- 2013 - Paper,
The Tax Solution,
presented at Cooper Union Foundation Building, New York; 12 May;
reprinted in GroundSwell, May-June
- 2013 - Attended the Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Pittsburgh, PA, July
Batt, H. William |
2014 |
- 2014 - Article,
Thailand Georgist Lectures,
at Chulalongkorn University
(12 February 2013) and MacFa University (26 February 2013).
Reprinted from GroundSwell, March-April
- 2014 - Attended the Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Newport Beach, California; 7-11 July
Batt, H. William |
2015 |
- 2015 - Attended the joint conference of the
International Union and Council of Georgist Organizations;
Southfield, Michigan; 4-8 August
Batt, H. William |
2016 |
- 2016 - Article,
"Henry George Seminar at Scranton University,"
GroundSwell, March-April
- 2016 - Article,
"Property Belongs to the Cubans,"
GroundSwell, March-April
- 2016 - Article,
Henry George Lecture,
at the University of Scranton;
GroundSwell, September-November
- 2016 - Review of the book:
The Public Financiers: Ricardo, George, Clark, Ramsey, Mirrlees, Vickrey, Wicksell,
Muckgrave, Buchanan, Tiohout, and Stiglitz,
by Colin Read; December
Batt, H. William |
2017 |
- 2017 - Review of the book:
The Nobel Factor,
by Avner Offer and Gabriel Soderberg, (unpublished), April
- 2017 - Review of the book:
Games of Mates,
by Cameron Murray and Pal Frijters, (unpublished), July
Batt, H. William |
2018-2019 |
Batt, H. William |
2020 |
- 2020 - Review of the book:
The Mystery of Capital,
by Hernando de Soto;
Robert Schalkenbach Foundation Digest, October
Batt, H. William |
2021 - |
- 2021 - Article,
Frozen Capital,
Robert Schalkenbach Foundation Digest, April
- 2022 - Memorial service held by the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany,
New York, 10 December (a video of this service remains online as of of 20 February, 2024)
Batten, Beryl |
(Chicago) |
- 1949 - Member, Henry George Woman's Club
Batten, Ernest J. |
(Chicago) |
- 1916 - Served as Secretary, Chicago Single Tax Club
Bauer, Anna |
Mass. (Concord) |
- 1977 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Bauer, Clayton C. |
... |
- 1968 - Article,
"Enchantment in Montana,"
Henry George News, January
Bauer, Harry C. |
(Seattle) |
- Professor of Librarianship, University of
Washington, Seattle
Bauer, John |
(Concord) |
- 1977 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Baumol, William (Ph.D.) |
(Concord) |
Baurer, Joseph W. |
(Chicago) |
- 1939 - Elected to the board of the Henry
George School
Baungard, Henry |
(San Francisco) |
- 1979 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
San Francisco, California
Bauer, Joseph W. |
(Chicago) |
- 1938 - Instructor, Henry George School, Chicago, 28 January
Bawden, Tom |
(Detroit) |
- 1857 - Born, 11 January, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- 18-- - Worked for the Grand Trunk Railway as a locomotive fireman, then
as an engineer on the Denver & Rio Grande railroad
- 1891 - Entered the insurance business, then become superintendent of
the Yorktown Loan & Savings Co. He then came into contract with the
Single Tax doctrine, moved to Detroit and became active in the movement
Baxter, William F. |
(Omaha) |
- 1868 - Born, 3 May, Warren, Rhode Island
- 1876 - Family moved to Ashland, Nebraska;
later moved to Omaha
- 1918 - Letter, Everyman, April, in
which he wrote:
"The Great
Adventure is an inspiration and you can count upon me to
increase the encouragement given it in the past."
- 1919 - Appointed President of Thomas
Kilpatrick Co.
- 1919 - Excerpt from a sermon delivered at the First Unitarian Church,
Omaha, 9 March:
"Men and women, do yu realize the menace? Is it necessary to
point out what is going on in the world? Call it bolshevism or what you will,
it is approaching at a rapid rate. Will you anticipate, weaken and
destroy it by wise, thoughtful, effective and just measures, or will you
wait until the hordes gather the strength of desperation and demand
their birthright -- the right to life? Impoverished people suffering with
the sting of age-long injustice, will not sotp to reason with you, they will
not ask why. They will take and take until they ignorantly pull down
and destroy the civilization of which you are proud, but the principle of
which you have failed intelligently to examine." The
Single Tax Review, May-June
- 1930s - Supported the teaching of Henry
George classes
- 1936 - Serving as President, Henry George
Club of Omaha
- 1936 - Address,
"Henry George and the Lord's Prayer,"
delivered at the First Unitarian Church; 24
Bayer, James F. |
New Jersey
(Newark) |
- 1936 - Elected to New Jersey State Assembly
- 1936 - Completed Henry George course in New York
Bayles, Allison L. |
New York
(New Rochelle) |
- 1943 - Letter, Henry George News,
Beach, George N. |
California |
- Father of Bessie
Beach Truehart
- 1880s - Became active in Single Tax movement
in Texas; organized a conference in Galveston, Texas; founded a
newspaper, the Times-Herald
- 1930 - Died, while visiting Texas, May (age 72)
Beach, George N. (Mrs.) |
(Los Angeles) |
- Mother of Bessie Beach Truehart; grandmother of William Truehart,
both active in the Georgist movement
- 1890s - Became active in Georgist movement while residing in Texas
Beach, Harrison L. |
... |
- 1909 - Article,
Gold Mines in Cities;
Saturday Evening Post, 26 June;
reprinted in The Public, 27 August
Beach, William W. |
... |
- 19-- - Graduated from Washburn University, Topeka, Kanasa
- 19-- - Earned a masters degree in history and economics from the
University of Missouri, Columbia
- 19-- - Earned a Ph.D. in economics, Buckingham University, Great Britain
- 1980 - Paper,
"Herbert Spencer and Henry George: an Essay on Spencer's 'Drift to Conservatism',"
presented at a symposium on Herbert Spencer,
Notre Dame College, Belmont, CA; 23-26 August
- 1980 - Serving on the faculty of the University of Missouri
- 1991 - Appointed President of the Institute for Humane Studies,
George Mason University
- 2016 - Serving as V.P. for Policy Research, Mercatus Center,
George Mason University
Beach, Wooster |
(Westport) |
- 1898 - Letter,
Criticism of the Single Tax,
New York Times, 7 March. Quote:
a fatal objection to the operation of this plan is the utter
impossibility of adjusting the amount raised by this 'single
tax' to the amount required for the expenses of the Government."
Beachles, William T. |
... |
- 1923 - Graduated, Illinois Wesleyan
- 1924 - Joined the faculty, Illinois Wesleyan
- 1931 - Letter, to the Robert Schalkenbach
Foundation. Quote:
"I am deeply
interested in the work of your foundation and have been for
several years. Your publication, 'Significant Paragraphs', is to
my mind an admirable contribution. Each year it forms part of
the required reading for all students in my principles of
economics classes." Land and Freedom,
- 1968 - Retired from teaching
Bear, Harry (Ph.D.) |
... |
- Professor of
Philosophy, Mississippi State University
- Former Teacher, Henry George School, NY
- 1946 - Ph.D. thesis, Religion in
Economics completed
Beard, Charles A.
... |
Beard, Daniel Carter |
New York (Flushing)
- Quote: "I
believe in Henry George. ...I have been a worker for the Single
Tax cause."
- 1850 - Born, 21 June, Cincinnati, Ohio
- 18-- - Illustrated Samuel Clemens book, A
Yankee at King Arthur's Court (with Single Tax and Free
Trade illustrations)
- 18xx - Founded Boy Scouts of America
- 1887 - Letter,
to Henry George, Jr.,
regarding a newspaper article on an
address by Henry George
at a meeting in Flushing, New York, 26 December
- 1890 - Serving as President, Flushing Single Tax Club
- 1908 - Article by John Leonard,
Daniel Carter Beard,
Men of America: A Biographical Dictionary of Contemporaries
- 1930 - Editors of Land and Freedom
write that he no longer talks of "his early connection with
the Henry George cause."
Beard, Donald E. |
(Dearborn) |
- 1960 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Detroit, MI
Beardsley, R. H. (Mrs.) |
(Ellison Bay) |
- 1945 - Member, Henry George Woman's Club of Chicago
Beasley, R.F. |
... |
- 1915 - Serving as Editor, Monroe Journal
Beath, J.M. |
Georgia (Atlanta) |
- 1890 - Serving as President, Atlanta Single Tax Club
Bechthold, Paul F. |
New York
(New York) |
- 1942 - Letter, supporting The Freeman, January
Beck, Hanno

(Columbia) |
- 1988 - Completed HGI correspondence course
- 1988 - Joined staff, Center for the Study of
Economics and Henry George Foundation
- 1989 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Philadelphia, PA
- 199- - Founded Banneker Center for Economic Justice
- 1996 - Article,
"You Can Triple Your Impact,"
Georgist Journal, Autumn
- 1999 - Report on CGO conference to be held
in Gaithersburg, MD, July, Georgist Journal, Winter
- 2000 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Des Moines, Iowa
- 2005 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; August
Beck, John |
(Spokane) |
- 2008 - Member, Council of Georgist
- 2009 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Cleveland, Ohio
- 2011 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Bloomington, Minnesota, 2-6 August
- 2012 - Address,
at the conference "Two Views of Social Justice: A
Catholic/Georgist Dialogue" held at the University of Scranton, 26 July
- 2014 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Newport Beach, California; 7-11 July
Beck, Leonora (Dr.) |
(Chicago) |
- Profession: public school
- 1911 - Attended Single Tax conference,
Chicago, Illinois, November
Beck, W.J. |
Texas (Amarillo) |
- 1929 - Reported that the county library had
a full collection of Henry George's books, frequently used, Land
and Freedom, March-April
Becker, Arthur P.
(Milwaukee) |
- 1918 - Born (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
- 1935 - Graduated, Washington High School
- 1935 - Attended Wisconsin State Teachers'
- 1939 - Received B.A. degree, University of
- 1942 - Joined faculty, University of
Connecticut (to 1944)
- 1943 - Received Ph.D. degree, University of
- 1944 - Joined faculty, Eastern New Mexico
- 1945 - Joined faculty, Morningside College,
Sioux City, Iowa
- 1946 - Joined faculty, Ohio State University
- 1948 - Joined faculty, University of
Wisconsin (to 1963)
- 1948 - Article,
"Some Philosophical Aspects of Economics,"
Philosophy of Science,
Vol.15, No.3, pp.242-236 July
- 1948-63 - Joined faculty and eventually
chaired Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin
- 1954 - Founded the Economic Policy
Association of Milwaukee
- 1964 -
to the booklet, Land-Value Taxation and Contemporary
Economic Thought, edited by Arthur P. Becker
- 1960s - Chairman, Department of Economics,
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- 1971 - Review by Milton Taylor of the book:
Land and Building Taxes,
edited by Arthur Becker;
Journal of Developing Areas; October
- 1973 - Participated in the Conference on the
Property Tax, Toronto, Ontario, 4-7 July
- 1977 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Becker, Harold |
(Omaha) |
- 1937 - Serving as President, Henry George
- 1938 - Attended Henry George Congress,
Toronto, 7-9 September
Becker, Helen C. |
(Alameda) |
- 1930 - Paper,
"What it Means to be a Georgist,"
presented at Henry George Congress, San Francisco,
Becker, Lawrence (Judge) |
Illinois |
- 1911 - Attended Single Tax conference,
Chicago, Illinois, November
Becker, Leo |
... |
- 1973 - Served on board, Henry George School
of Northern California
Becker, W. Russell |
(Chicago) |
- 1938 - Instructor, Henry George School
Beckett, Cyrus F. |
(Omaha) |
- 1890 - Serving as Secretary, Omaha Single Tax Club
Beckius, Matthew |
(Trappe) |
- 1994 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Fairhope, Alabama
Beckman, Theodore C. |
... |
- 1997 - Serving on board, Henry George
School, Chicago, and as Treasurer
Beckwith, Fred |
(Longmont) |
- 1890s - Became active Single Tax supporter,
thru Joseph Wolfe
Beckwith, Loring D. |
California (Stockton) |
- 1872 - Born, in Burlington, Colorado
- 1898 - First involved in Single Tax movement
- 1900-01 - Secretary, Chicago Single Tax Club
- 1902 - Graduated from the University of Denver
- 1913 - Moved to California. Earlier he had founded and edited
newspapers in Colorado and New Mexico. In California he founded the
Santa Margarita Index, Our California Home and the
Stockton Forum
- 1913 - Became involved with the utopian community project started
by Edward Gardner Lewis called the Atascadero Colony, intended to serve the
program of the American Woman's Republic. The objective was to educate
women in the functions of government and prepare woemn for obtaining the
right to vote.
- 1918 - Letter, Everyman, March, in which he wrote:
It is a constant surprise to discover how many
one meets who are already largely or wholly won over to
single tax. It is equally astonishing to note how easy it
is to win other others. This condition here on the coast
is party due to the leaven of the Canadian coast and
to our necessity of competing with them for prospective
residents; partly to the fact that in a state of mountains and
rich valleys, old and large land grants are especially
conspicuous and hence preach their warning in unescapable
language. With the war conditions coming on top of these local
conditions, the Single Taxers of the world have the greatest
opportunity of history to exemplify their
- 1920s - Friend of Oscar Geiger; contributed to founding
of the Henry George School
- 1926 - Letter,
on disappearance of Georgist proposals on California ballot,
Land and Freedom, November-December
- 1926 - Editor, Stockton Forum
- 1929 - Came to New York City to teach
- 1930 - Paper,
"The Freest Paper in America, and What it Has Accomplished,"
presented at the Henry George Congress, San Francisco
Beckwith, Loring D. |
1931-1935 |
- 1931 - Elected to the National Advisory
Committee, Henry George Foundation of America
- 1932 - Serving as member, advisory
committee, Henry George School, New York, NY
Beckwith, Loring D. |
1936-1940 |
- 1936 - Letter,
regarding achieving Henry George's reforms by "the political method."
Land and Freedom, May-June
- 1937 - Attended Henry George Congress,
Detroit, Michigan; 14-16 October
Beckwith, Loring D. |
1941- |
- 1941 - Exchanged letters with Spencer Heath
- 1942 - Book,
The Answer,
published by Forum Publishing Co. The following accouncement appeared
in The Freeman of December 1941:
"This book deals with economic theory from the Georgist point of
view, and understakes to demonstrate that economics is as exact a science as any other. By
resort to natural law, says Mr. Geckwith, we should be able
to solve social problems as we solve shop problems."
- 1942 - Review by P.C. Evers of the Book:
The Answer,
by L.D. Beckwith, The Freedom, January
Bedichek, Roy |
... |
- 1878 - Born, 27 June, Cass County, Illinois
- 1898 - Entered University of Texas, Austin
(graduated 1903)
- 190x - Became involved with the Single Tax
- 1917 - Appointed director of University of
Texas Interscholastic League; became a naturalist
- 1947 - Book,
Adventures With a Texas Naturalist,
Bedrosian, Celak |
(Chicago) |
- 1949 - Member, Henry George Woman's Club
Beecher, Asher George |
(Warren) |
- 1922 - Article, The Single Tax Review, July-August:
"Rental value is theuse-value of land; so-called
selling value is merely the market value of the franchise to appropriate (ground)
rent, interest, and rate of tax. To turn a part of all of (ground) rent into
government revenue, is a very simple matter, but to undertake to do this by taxing
a law-made privilege instead of rental value, creates a confusion of taxable values that
complicates the collection of the tax on rent and makes the results of such an
attempt very uncertain."
- 1926 - Subscriber to Land and Freedom
- 1928 - Published, Truth Seeker
Beeson, Glen (Jr.) |
(Allegheny Co.) |
- 1974 - Member, Graded Tax League of
Beers, Eli |
... |
- 1856 - Born, 12 June, in Bridgewater, Connecticut
- 1889 - Graduated from Yale Divinity School
- 1893 - Attended Emerson College of Oratory, Boston
- 1904 - Studied economics in Boston (to 1908)
- 1919 - Book,
The Dangers of Plutocracy or Wholesale Robbery,
- 1923 - Book,
Our Economics System,
- 1946 - Died, 24 April, in Pasadena, California
Beggs, Thomas P. |
New York
(Brooklyn) |
- His home was a gathering place for Single Taxers
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New
York City
Bein, W.F. |
- 1889 - Lecture,
"Georgism vs. Socialism,"
delivered, 29 June
L.D. |
... |
- 1932 - Delegate to Henry George Congress, Memphis
Bejarano, Jose Miguel |
New York
(New York)
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New
York City
Bekins, Martin |
(Los Angeles) |
- 1917 - Letter,
in support of The Great Adventure campaign,
Everyman, October
Bell, David |
New York
(Monticello) |
- 1953 - Moved to Sullivan County, New York
- 1971 - Wrote articles for Republic
Watchman on Henry George's single tax theory
- 1971 - Article,
"Tax System Abets Poor Housing, Urban Decay,"
Times Herald Record, 10 January
Bell, deWitt Clinton |
New York
(New York) |
- 1939 - Serving as instructor, Henry George
School, New York, NY
- 1939 - Attended Henry George Congress, New
York, NY; 29 August - 4 September
- 1939 - Served as Chairman, Henry George
Centennary, Hotel Commodore, New York, 30 August - 2 September
- 1939 - Organized Henry George class in
Radburn, New Jersey; began in October
Bell, Drummond |
(Bridgeport) |
- 1957 - Letter.
regarding the Henry George School's "Commerce and Industry Program"
received from John L. Monroe; he developed
a "100-letter" campaign
Bell, Edward W. |
New Jersey
(Clifton) |
- 1937 - Serving as Secretary, Henry George
School extension, Clifton
Bell, James A. |
Indiana |
- 1911 - Attended Single Tax conference,
Chicago, Illinois, November
Bell, Stephen |
New Jersey (Clifton) |
- 1864 - Born, Port Jervis, New York, 22 February
- 1894 - First introduced to the writings of
Henry George and worked on Henry George's 1897 mayoral campaign
- 1917 - Joined editorial staff, Commerce and
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New
York City
- 1927 - Residing in Clifton, New Jersey
- 1929 - Article,
Progress and Poverty
(a new edition), by Henry George
Land and Freedom, November-December
Bell, Stephen |
1931-1935 |
- 1932 - Serving as member, advisory
committee, Henry George School, New York, NY
- 1933 - Letter,
reviewing George Raymond Geiger's book, The Philosophy of Henry George,
Land and Freedom, July-August. He suggests the followers of Henry
George are the true socialists, not those who followed Marx
- 193- - Developed and taught course at the
Henry George School using Protection or Free Trade
- 1935 - Attended Henry George Congress, New
York, NY; September
- 1935 - Address,
The Importance of Free Trade,
at the Henry George Congress,
New York, New York, September, Land and Freedom,
- 1935 - Address (PDF format),
The Importance of Free Trade,
at the Henry George Congress,
New York, New York, September; reprinted in Land and Freedom,
Bell, Stephen |
1936-1940 |
- 1937 - Serving as an instructor, Clifton, NJ
extension, Henry George School
- 1937 - Serving as foreign editor, Commerce
and Finance
- 1939 - Article (unsigned),
Stephen Bell;
The Freeman, August
- 1940 - Letter,
Criticism of the Educated,
agreeing with Albert Jay Nock's
criticism of the "educable elite,"
The Freeman, March
Bell, Stephen |
1941- |
- 1945 - Died, 1 July, age 81
Bellamy, Charles |
(Boston) |
Bellangee, James |
(Des Plaines) |
- 1844 - born, Dover, Illinois
- 18-- - Graduated from University of Michigan
- 1869-73 - Taught architectural and
mechanical drawing at University of Illinois
- 1874 - - Professor at Nebraska State Normal
- 1887 - Became chairman, Greenback Party
state committee
- 1891 - President, Des Moines Single Tax Club
(founded that year)
- 1894 - Charter member, The Fairhope
Industrial Association
- 1915 - Died, August (from burns during a
fire in Fairhope, Alabama)
- 1915 - Article,
Golden Maxims,
The Single Tax Review, November-December
Belliak, Irma |
New York
(New York) |
- 1967 - Attended Henry George School
conference, Montreal, Quebec, July
Bellis, Frances |
Michigan (Birmingham) |
- 1960 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Detroit, MI
Bemis, Edward W.
... |
- 1860 - Born, 7 April, in Springfield, Massachusetts
- 1880 - Earned a A.B. degree at Amherst College
- 1884 - Earned a A.M. degree at John Hopkins University
- 1885 - Earned his doctorate at John Hopkins University
- 1885 - Joined the economics faculity at Amherst College (to 1886)
- 1888 - Joined the economics faculty at Vanderbilt University (to 1892)
- 1892 - Joined the economics faculty at the University of Chicago (to 1895);
he was forced to resign because of his social and political views
- 1897 - Joined the economics faculty at Kansasa State Agricultural College
(to 1899)
- 1901 - Appointed Superintendent of the Cleveland Water Works
by Tom L. Johnson. He replaced the spoils system with the merit system. He also
"crusaded for higher tax evaluations on properties owned by utilities and
- 1909 - Moved to New York City
- 1930 - Died, 25 September
- 1955 - Comment by Charles Albro Barker (Henry
George, 1955, p.557):
made a study of all of George's books and of his writings in the
early Standard. ...Bemis admitted that he agreed 'fully with
George, as did Mill, and as do all economists', about the
justice of land-value taxation, but he felt that the practical
objections were overwhelming."
Bellush, Bernard (Prof.) |
New York
(Great Neck Estates) |
- 1980 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
New York, Newe York
Belonogoff, Antoinette |
... |
- 1973 - Served on board, Henry George School
of Northern California
Ben Israel, Naham |
(Cleveland) |
- 1935 - Letter,
responding to Harold Buttenheim,
Land and Freedom, July-August. Quote:
"...after you have brushed aside all of the trappings the philosophy
of Henry George reduces itself to this: Let not the community
take from the individual that which the individual creates. Let
not the individual take from the community that which the
community creates."
Bendel, Joseph J. (Jr.) |
(McKeesport) |
- 195x - Graduated, University of Pittsburgh
- 1980 - Introduced measure to adopt 2-rate
property tax
- 1982 - Attended annual Georgist conference,
Chatham College, Pittsburgh, PA, 16-19 July
- 1993 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Los Angeles, CA, July
- 1995 - Elected mayor, McKeesport
Benedict, Harold W. |
New York
(Campbell Hall) |
- 1890 - Serving as Secretary, Auburn Single
Tax Club
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New
York City
- 1927 - Residing in Campbell Hall, New York
- 1932 - Elected General Secretary, Henry
George School, New York
- 1934 - Died, 7 January (age 70)
Bender, H.S. |
(Johnstown) |
- 190- - Became ardent supporter of the Single Tax
- 1927 - Candidate for Mayor of Johnstown on
the Democratic Party ticket
Bengough, John Wilson

... |
... |
- 199- - Established, Hanno Beck, Director
... |
Benjamin, Sanford J. |
New York
(New York) |
Bennett, Albert R. |
New Jersey
(Summit) |
- 1964 - Completed courses at Henry George
School, New Jersey
- 1978 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania
- 1980 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
New York, NY
- 1981 - Letter printed, Georgist Journal,
- 1982 - Attended annual Georgist Conference,
Chatham College, Pittsburgh, PA, 16-19 July
Bennett, Charles G. |
(Evansville) |
- 1890 - Member, State Executive Committee,
Indiana Single Tax League
- 1890 - Serving as Secretary, Evansville
Single Tax Association
Bennett, Dori |
New York
(Middletown) |
- 1994 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Fairhope, Alabama
Benny, Adam |
Lebanon |
- 1890 - Serving as President, Lebanon Single
Tax and Land Club
Benson, Donald S. |
New Jersey
(Trenton) |
- 1959 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Benson, Grace |
(San Francisco)
- 1958 - Attended Henry George School
conference, San Diego, CA
Benton, Unia Louise |
New York
(Auburn) |
- 1926 - Delegate to Henry George Congress,
Benton, Robert D. |
(Detroit) |
- 1916 - Born (Licking County)
- 1942 - Entered military service
- 1948 - Helped establish new extension of
Henry George School, Columbus, Ohio
- 1950 - Appointed director, Henry George
School, Detroit, Michigan
- 1950 - Attended Henry George School
conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 13-16 July
- 1951 - Attended Henry George School
conference, Los Angeles, 19-22 July
- 1953 - Attended Henry George School
conference, Boston, Massachusetts, 2-4 July
- 1955 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, OH
- 1956 - Participated in a panel on money and
credit, Henry George School conference, Harcum Junior College,
Bryn Mawr, PA; July
- 1957 - Article,
"Five Controversial Points,"
Henry George News, August
- 1957- Address,
"Our Controversial Economics,"
at the Henry George conference, Wagner College,
Staten Island, NY; 6-12 July
- 1958 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, San Diego, CA
- 1959 - Paper,
Monetary Inflation,
presented at the Henry George Schools
conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
- 1959 - Attended International Union
conference, Hanover, West Germany
- 1960 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Detroit, MI
- 1961 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Hartford, Connecticut
- 1962 - Moved to Detroit, Michigan from
- 1962 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Chatham College, Pittsburgh, PA
- 1966 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, St. Louis, Missouri
- 1967 - Attended Henry George School
conference, Montreal, Quebec, July
- 1968 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Miami Beach, CA
- 1969 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Chicago, Illinois
- 2009 - Died, 18 January (age 92)
Berg, John N. |
(Minneapolis) |
Berg, Monroe H. |
New York
(Far Rockaway)
- 1952 - Made his office available for course,
The Science of Political Economy
Bergen, Cecelia |
(Grosse Points Farms) |
- 1977 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Bergen, M. |
... |
- 1967 - Attended Henry George School
conference, Montreal, Quebec, July
Bergen, Mary E. |
(Milwaukee) |
- 1977 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Bergen, Mary Jane |
(Milwaukee) |
- 1977 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Bergen, Melvin |
(Grosse Pointe Farms) |
- 1957 - Teacher, Henry George School
- 1959 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
- 1977 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Berger, Lucille |
... |
- 1956 - Article,
"Survey of Women Voters Shows Popular Interest In International Trade,"
Henry George News, June
Berger, Mary |
(St. Louis) |
- 1943 - Letter,
regarding establishment of the Henry George News to replace The Freeman,
Henry George News, November
- 1944 - Letter,
regarding appearance of "pseudo-economic books,"
Henry George News, February
Berger, Melvin C. |
... |
- 1960 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Detroit, MI
- 1977 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Bergermann, Milton |
New York
(New York) |
- 1932 - Studied Henry George under Oscar Geiger
- 1959 - Speaker at Henry George School banquet, May
- 1970 - Died, 7 September (age 67)
Bergman, Raymond |
California |
- 1971 - Serving as President, Mt. Diablo
Branch, Henry George School
- 1979 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
San Francisco, California
Berkinoff, Sam |
New York
(New York) |
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New
York City
Berkinshaw, Robert J. |
New York
(Niagara Falls) |
- 1928 - Toured the Pacific coast and stayed
at the Henry George Hotel in San Francisco
Berkol, A. Henry |
San Diego |
- 1958 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, San Diego, CA
Berkowitz, Jay J. |
... |
- 1943 - Letter,
with obserations from the war front in North Africa,
Henry George News, September
Berkowitz, Max |
New York
(Bronx) |
- 1932 - Serving as member, advisory
committee, Henry George School, New York
- 1933 - Joined volunteer faculty, Henry
George School, New York
- 1933 - Recieved the first certificate of
attendance issued by the Henry George School, New York
Berling, Clay |
(Carmel) |
- 1966 - First completed courses at Henry
George School
- 1972 - Served on board, Henry George School
of Northern California
- 1979 - Chaired meeting of the Council of
Georgist Organizations, at Joint Georgist Conference, San
Francisco, CA, August
- 1985 - Paper,
"Self-Interest as the Programmer,"
presented at the CGO conference, Washington
University, St. Louis, MO
1985 - Elected Director, Common Ground, USA
- 1989 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Philadelphia, PA
- 2000 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Des Moines, Iowa
- 2006 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Evanston, Illinois, July
- 2009 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Cleveland, Ohio
- 2009 - Article,
"How Do You Tell The Story?"
GroundSwell, July-August
- 2011 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Bloomington, Minnesota, 2-6 August
- 2011 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Camp Hill, PA; July
- 2012 - Attended the Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Camp Hill, PA, 30 July - 3 August
- 2014 - Attended the Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Newport Beach, California; 7-11 July
- 2015 - Attended the joint conference of the
International Union and Council of Georgist Organizations;
Southfield, Michigan; 4-8 August
Berman, Florence |
New York
(New York) |
- 1978 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania
Berman, Frank |
New York
(New York)
- 1920s - Active in Commonwealth Land Party
Berman, Jack |
New York
(New York) |
- 1944 - Letter,
critical of plan to expand New York City subway,
Henry George News, August
- 1944 - Letter,
lessons learned from planting of Victory Gardens during the war,
Henry George News, December
- 1945 - Letter,
on death of Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Henry George News, May
Bermingham, Frank A. |
New Jersey |
- 19-- - Serving as an instructor, Henry
George School, New Jersey
Bernard, (Prof.) |
New York
(Great Neck Estates)
- 1980 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
New York, NY
Bernd, Lester A. |
Illinois |
- 1949 - Attended International Union
conference, Swanwick, England
- 1952 - Attended International Union
conference, Odense, Denmark
Bernheim, A.C. |
... |
- 1890 - Serving as Chairman, People's
Municipal League
- Letter,
"Peoples Municipal League Conference,"
notifying Henry George of the
list of speakers to be involved, 10 October
Bernstein, Helen |
New York
(New York) |
- 1940 - Serving on staff, The Freeman
- 1941 - Article,
"Doing Business Under Fascism,"
The Freeman, March
- 1941 - Review of the book:
Faith for Living,
by Lewis Mumford, The Freeman, March
Bernstein, Michael J. |
New York
(New York) |
- 1939 - Address,
"Lincoln and George -- Prophets of Freedom,"
at the Community Center of the
Congregation Bnai Jesereth, New York, NY
- 1939 - Address,
"Youth's Hope in Democracy,"
at Free Synagogue, New York, 10 December
- 1940 - Served as instructor at Henry George
School, New York; delivered a talk on "International Trade
Relations" at the Sunrise Club
- 1940 - Address,
"Can Collectivism and Planning Solve Our Social and Economic Problems?"
at the Long Island Forum, 28 May
- 1940 - Article,
"Fumes of the Yellow Monopoly,"
The Freeman, September
- 1940 - Address,
"Public Housing,"
at Henry George School, 15 December
- 1941 - Lecture,
"The Fallacy of Economic Determination,"
at Henry George School, 23 February
- 1941 - Article,
"Doing Business Under Fascism,"
The Freeman, March
- 1941 - Teaching the course, "Democracy
vs. Socialism" at the Henry George School, New York, NY
(using Max hirsch's book of that title)
- 1942 - Henry George School board voted not
to renew its invitation to him to teach at the school (reasons
not disclosed), The Freeman, February
Bernstein, Sidney |
... |
- 1940s - Prior to the Second World War served
as volunteer in Henry George School correspondence program
Berry, Jean |
(Chicago) |
- 1937 - Member, editorial staff, Henry
George Fellowship News
- 1937 - Succeeds Nathan Hillman as editor of
Henry George Fellowship News, May
Berry, Wayne S. |
New York
(Long Island)
(Spring Hill) |
- 1936 - Took first Henry George class,
Flushing, Long Island
- 1944 - Serving as instructor, Henry George
School, New York, NY
- 1948 - Joins faculty, Henry George School extension
- 1955 - Attended International Union
conference, St. Andrews University, Scotland
- 1967 - Attended Henry George School
conference, Montreal, Quebec, July
- 1976 - Attended Henry George Foundation
conference, Evanston, IL
- 1979 - Booklet,
a summary of Progress and Poverty,
written as a series for a Florida newspaper
- 1986 - Died, 1 January in Spring Hill, Florida
Berry, William H. |
Pittsburgh |
- 1852, Born, 9 September, in Edwardsville, Illinois
- 1873 - Graduated from the Meachnics' Institute in Buffalo, New York
- 1903 - Appointed President of the Berry Engineering Company in
Chester, Pennsylvania
- 1905 - Elected Mayor of Chester, Pennsylvania (served to
December 1905)
- 1906 - Elected Pennsylvania State Treasurer (served to 1908)
- 1909 - Address,
A Message to England,
at a meeting called in Philadelphia,
1 August, to congratulate the British people on their budget
fight; The Public, 13 August
- 1910 - Stood as a candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania as a memver of the
independent Keystone Party but lost to the Republican candidate
Berson, David |
(Columbia) |
- Great-great grandson of Henry George
- 19-- Joined Fannie Mae as Chief Economist
Bertolette, C.M. |
(Sacramento) |
- 1979 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
San Francisco, CA
Bertsch, William F. |
(New Bedford) |
- 1940 - Former instructor, Henry George
School, New York; started Henry George class in YMCA, New
Berveiler, Robert |
(Kansas City) |
- 195- - Becomes director, Henry George
School, Kansas City
- 1959 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Berzin, Julius |
New York
(Flushing) |
- 1978 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania
Bessey, Jason |
Maine |
- 200- - Learned about land value
taxation by participation in the Democratic Freedom Caucus
- 2009 - Editorial,
"Georgism and the Single Tax on Land: Why a 130-year-old Idea
is Still Relevant Today,"
Newsflavor, 21 April
Best, Alice |
New York
(New York) |
- 1939 - Resigned as extension secretary,
Henry George School
Best, Randall G. |
(Fairhope) |
- 1994 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Fairhope, Alabama
(Evanston) |
- 1971 - Established, Scott Walton, Director; originally called "Better Cities
Committee of Illinois"
- 1992 - Geographic area expanded to include Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri,
Indiana and Ohio
- 2022 - Chapter officers: Sue Walton (Chair); Jeff Graubart (Secretary);
Scott Walton (Treasurer); Adam Kerman (webmaster)