
Final Issue of The Gargoyle

John T. Tetley


THE GARGOYLE, suspends publication with this issue.

There are a number of reasons contributing to the suspension of publication at this time.

The publication was originally devised as a house organ for the Henry George School of New Jersey graduates, who contributed financially to the school. It was intended to keep such persons informed as to the activities of the school, and hopefully to hold their interest in the Philosophy of Henry George.

It was also sent to other Henry George Schools and to other Georgist organizations. It was sent without charge to anyone requesting to be put on the mailing list. Some persons now and then sent in a check "toward meeting the expense of publication."

THE GARGOYLE seemed to be liked. A number of persons sent us highly complimentary letters and said they liked and appreciated receiving it. Quotes and entire articles were reprinted in other Georgist publications in the U.S., Canada, England, Australia and other locations.

While this little publication did perhaps publish some information of Georgist activities not otherwise reported, we do not believe it advisable to continue the publication.

5 The cost is one factor, particularly postage. Since the Henry George School of N.J. is not actively conducting study groups, the holding of a bulk mailing permit, when used only to send 10 issues of THE GARGOYLE per year is rather steep. An annual fee must be paid and this fee has been upped several times, as has the rate of postage per copy. It is felt the funds of the school might be used for a better purposes.

Another factor -- Mr. Oscar B. Johannsen has had to devote time and energy to preparing a feature article for each issue. He also contributed most of, SENSE & NONSENSE, and the humor column SALT OF THE EARTH. Mr. Johannsen will now be able to use the time to write for Media Publications and other Georgist publications.

It may be, although it seems most unlikely, the familiar drawing of the GARGOYLE -- on the granite paper, might possibly be revived at some future time -- this is the final issue.