From the list of countries provided, rank each country on a scale of "zero" to "ten" based on your perception of the extent to which justice exists ("zero" means you believe there is no justice; "ten" means you believe there is total justice). |
Argentina | Australia | Brazil | Canada | Denmark |
Egypt | Japan | Kuwait | Liberia | Norway |
Poland | Russia | Switzerland | Turkey | United States |
What are some of the characteristics you would expect to find in a society where there is a high degree of justice? |
full employment? | health care for all? | the opportunity for schooling? | good and plentiful food for all? |
time for civic involvement? | time to spend with family and in leisure? | well-paying jobs for all willing to work? | a low rate of crime? |
a clean environment, with wise use of natural resources? | a low rate of drug addiction and alcoholism? | communities, where people are able to live, work and play in safety? | stable prices for goods and services? |
low population growth, with smaller families? | a low rate of infant mortality? | little or no abuse -- mental or physical -- of children or spouses? | a long average lifespan? |
Here are some important concepts to think about. As a start, try writing down your own definition of the terms below. |
privilege |
freedom |
monopoly |